OK, here's another James T. Dixon ORIGINAL... A "complete" listing of every Star Fleet officer/crew member to serve aboard the original starship Enterprise! In several posted messages, of course... Jimmy Dee's Last Update: 9408.13 U.S.S. "ENTERPRISE" (NCC-1701) PERSONNEL ======================================== 2220 - 2287 A.D. Name, Rank, Position, Data, and Sources Abdelnaby - Transporter Chief under Pike c. 2254 and before Pitcairn [TOS #56]. Abernathy [TOS #18]. Ackroyd, Donald Ens. - Science Officer (Biochemistry), Male. Killed [ON 8]. Adams - Crewman [ON 6]. Adams - Cargo Chief, has a brother in Astrophysics [TOS #71]. Adams, Emiko Ens. - Yeoman, Anthropology/Geology Clerk [TOS #53, TOS #71]. Adler - Ordnance Officer, Male [TOS #45]. Ahmad Ens. - Helmsman/Shuttlecraft Pilot [TOS #26]. Ahrens [TOS #18]. Aiello, Pat - Nurse, Dark-haired woman [TOS #50]. Al-Baslama, Mohammed Ens. - Security Officer, Male. Killed [TOS #27, TOS#30]. Al-Jasir - Yeoman, Male [TOS #71]. Alden Lt. - Communications Officer, Male, Black [WNM, TOS #26]. Alvarez, Eduardo Cortejo - Medical Doctor, Male [TOS #34]. Amekentra Ens. - Dietary Officer, Female [TOS #13, TOS #18]. Amstel Ens. - Chemist [ON 11]. Andela Lt. - Helmsman? Female, aboard c. 2247 [TOS #44]. Anderson - Yeoman, Female [SW/a]. Anderson - Engineering Technician [TOS #24]. Andres Chief (Petty Officer?) - Engineering Technician, Male [TOS #12]. Antonoff Ens. - Engineering Officer [TOS #67]. Apple Ens. - Security Officer [HS/a]. April, Robert Capt. - Commanding Officer and first Captain [CC/a, GN 3, GN12]. April, Sarah - Chief Medical Officer (Doctor), Female. Ship's first CMO [CC/a]. Archer - Security Officer [TOS #34]. Arex Lt. - Chief Navigator, Three-armed Edoan, replaced Chekov in late-2263. Aristeides, Jenniver Ens. - Security Officer later Botanist, Female [TOS #2]. Aronsen, Ann - Communications Officer, Female [ON 6]. Arrunja, Maximo Alisaunder - Security Officer, Male, Middle-aged [TOS #2]. Ashcraft Ens. - Communications Officer, Male [TOS #68]. Atete Ens. - Security Officer [SW/a]. Athende Lt. - Maintenance Officer, Sulamid [TOS #13, TOS #18]. Atkins, Doris - Yeoman (Records Officer, Services), Female [DY]. Austin [TOS #18]. Autry Crewman - Security Guard [TOS #56]. Avitts, Candra Lt. - Assistant Science Officer, Female [TOS #3, TOS #12]. Avoca, Dervol Seamonn ni Lt. - Helmsman, Male, Terran [TOS #47]. Ayers - Yeoman, Female [Su/a]. Aziz Lt. - Engineering Officer, Female [TOS #34]. Azuela Ens. - Communications Officer [TOS #21]. Bailey Lt. - Security Officer [TOS #43]. Bailey, David Lt. - Navigator, Male. Later Cultural Observer [GN 2, CMn]. Banerjee Lt. [TOS #26]. Bardoli Crewman - Security Officer [Ob]. Barnhart Crewman - Environmental Engineering. Killed by M113 creature [MT]. Barrasso - Security Officer [TOS #62]. Barrett - Yeoman, Female [TOS #24]. Barrows, Tonia Crewman - Yeoman (Services) [SL, TOS #58, TOS #53, TOS #71]. Barry, Caitlin Cmdr. - Chief Engineer, Female c. 2247+ [TOS #44, TOS #57]. Bates Ens. [Yy/a]. Bates, Roz - Engineering Officer, Female [TOS #18]. Beaumont [TOS #56]. Becker - Assistant Engineer, Male [TOS #34]. Bell Crewman - Technician (Propulsion), Male [Tr/a]. Benson - Killed [TOS #34]. Benus Ens. - Navigator [TOS #34]. Berengaria Lt. - Security Officer, Female [TOS #41]. Berganza Ens. - Biophysics Officer [TOS #59]. Bergdahl Lt. - Anthro/Geo. Lab Chief, Male [TOS #53, TOS #71]. Berkeley Lt. - Transporter Officer, Male [DMd]. Berry Ens. - Cartography Specialist [ON 11]. Bhutto Lt. - Navigator, Female [TOS #62, TOS #68]. Bischoff [TOS #18]. Bistie Lt. - Head of Special Studies Lab, Navajo [TOS #53, TOS #71]. Blankhuis, Joes - Medical Doctor [TOS #40]. Bray Lt. - Maintenance Officer [TOS #53, TOS #71]. Breen, Laura - Female [ON 6]. Bregman Ens. - Transporter Technician [TOS #42]. Brennan - Security Officer, Male [TOS #67]. Brent Lt. - Ordnance Officer*, Male. Also a relief navigator [NT]. Brentano - Security Guard [TOS #19]. Bretton [TOS #12]. Briala - Yeoman, Female [TOS #10]. Brickston - Security Officer [TOS #55]. Briel Lt. (j.g.) - Chief Mess Officer*, Female [Te/a]. Brien, Bob Lt. - Engineering Officer c. 2247 [TOS #44]. Brunowski, John Ensign - Yeoman, Laundry/Recycling Officer [TOS #53, TOS #71]. Bryant - Communications Officer, Male [TOS #71]. Bryce, Pete Lt. - Security Officer c. 2247 [TOS #44]. Buchanan Cmdr. - Female [TOS #12]. Burke, Lia T. Lt. Cmdr. - Assist./Head Nurse, Female [TOS #13, TOS #18, GN 4]. Burnhard - Navigator [ON 6]. Burns Ens. - Quartermaster [Su/a]. Butterfield - Security Officer [TOS #71]. Byrnes, Jaye Lt. - Security Officer, Female, Blond [TOS #4]. Campeas - Engineering Officer [TOS #45]. Camus - Technician (3rd class) [Be/a]. Canfield [TOS #18]. Carlisle Lt. - Male [Cg]. Carlucci Ens. - Security Guard [TOS #55]. Carly Ensign - Navigator [TOS #51]. Carter, Jeff - Doctor [ON 16]. Carver Ens. - Security Officer, Male [LS/a, TOS #18]. Castelano - Head Nurse? under Dr. Boyce and Captain Pike c. 2254 [TOS #56]. Celli, Bresica Lt. - Science Officer (Alien Ecology & Sociology), Male [CC/a]. Chaney - Yeoman [TOS #45]. Chapel, Christine Lt. Cmdr. - Doctor (Surgeon), Female. Originally Lt. Chapel, Leigh Commander - First Officer c. 2247-2257, Female [TOS #44]. Charvat, Andre Lt. Cmdr. - Senior Science Officer [ON 5]. Chatusram Lt. - Weapons Specialist Engineer [IV/a]. Chavez Ens. - Security Officer, Male, in 2265 & 2267 [TOS #71, TOS #1]. Chekov, Pavel Andreievich - Ensign Navigator, later Lt. and Security Chief. Chen Ens. - Female [TOS #25]. Cheung, Marietta Commander - Navigator assigned in 2258 [GN 1]. Chevalier Ens. - Security Officer [SW/a]. Chevron - Computer Technician, 1st Class Male [TOS #38]. Ching, Wah Ens. - Security Guard, Female. Killed by Sackers [TOS #15, TOS #41]. Cho, Sanghoon - Engineering Officer, Oriental, Male. Killed [TOS #30]. Chong [TOS #38]. Choo - Yeoman (Services?), Chinese, Female [TOS #19]. Christensen Lt. [TOS #24]. Cilisci - Male [GN 4]. Clare - Paramedic. Killed [TOS #34]. Claremont [TOS #18]. Claybourne Crewman [TOS #55]. Clayton Lt. - Chief Pilot*, Male [Am/a]. Clifford, Donald Crewman - Linguist? Male [TOS #45]. Coffey - Security Officer? [TOS #62]. Colfax, Rex Lt. Cmdr. - Chief Maintenance Engineer [TOS #10]. Collier, Greg Lt. Cmdr. - Security Chief, Male, Black [ON 16]. Collins, Brad - Security Officer [ON 6]. Colotti, Deb - Yeoman, Female [OUP/a]. Colt, Laurel Crewman - Yeoman "The Cage," Female. Compton Crewman - Security Officer, Male. Killed by Scalosian Hyperaging [WE]. Connors - Technician [MW]. Corcoran Ens. - Security Officer [TOS #38]. Cordova, Juan - Security Guard. Killed by Romulans on Gateway [TOS #11]. Corey - Security Guard [TOS #63]. Cortez Ens. - Engineering Officer [TOS #59]. Crandall, Ginny Lt. - Ordnance Officer, Senior Technician, Female [TOS #40]. Creighton - Security Officer [TOS #32]. Crider Lt. - Transporter Specialist [TOS #43]. Crispin Lt. [TOS #36]. Critelli Crewman - Engineering Officer [TOS #45]. Cruz, Juan - Security Chief. Killed [TOS #34]. Curtis Ens. [TOS #71]. Czerny, Ly-Kieu Lt. - Agricultural Specialist. Briefly assigned [TOS #26]. Czyzak Ens. - Communications Officer [ON 5]. D'Amato Lt. - Chief Geologist, Male. Killed by a Kalandan projection [TWS]. d'Hennish enu-ma'Qe, Niwa Awath-mane ri Ens. - Astrocartog., Ailurin [TOS #13]. Dan, Ars Lt. - Engineering Officer, short Dioptan, c. 2247 [TOS #44]. Darnell Crewman - Medical Technician, Male. Killed on Planet M-113 [MT]. Dastagir - Engineering Officer (2nd Class) Transporter specialist, Male [SW/a]. Davenport - Medical Orderly [TOS #43]. Davidson Ens. - Security Guard, Female [LS/a, TOS #62]. Davies Lt. Commander - 2nd Science Officer, Spock's predecessor [TOS #44]. Davis Ens. - Engineering Officer [TOS #32, OPM/a, Te/a]. Davis Lt. - Section Chief (Food Preperation), Female [OUP/a]. Davis - Technician 2nd, Male [OUP/a]. Davoff, Bish Ens. - Security Officer [ON 5]. Dawe Lt. [TOS #53, TOS #71]. Dawson Lt. [ON 3]. Dazri - Lt., Laundry & Recycling [TOS #71]. De Broek - Helmsman [TOS #40]. DeCamp Ens. - Security Guard [TOS #67]. DeCastro Lt. - Security Officer [TOS #26]. Decker, Willard Commander - Executive Officer, listed as missing 2267 [ST-TMP]. Dehner, Elizabeth - Doctor (Psychiatrist), Female. Killed on Delta Vega [WNM]. Denslow Lt. - Science Officer [TOS #43]. Devereaux Ens. - Security Officer [TOS #15]. Devin Ens. - Helmsman [TOS #63]. Devlin Ens. - Engineering Specialist, Female [TOS #50]. DeCastro Lt. - Security Officer [TOS #26]. DeLeon Lt. - Communications Officer, Male [TOS #50]. DeLong, Denise Ens. - Engineering Officer, Female - newly assigned [TOS #45]. DeNoux, Neil - Yeoman, assigned to the bar in the officers lounge [TOS #71]. DePaul Lt. - Navigator* and Helmsman, Male [Ar, TA, TOS #34]. DeRoos Ens. - Engineering Officer, Female, at end of the 5-year mission [GN 5]. DeSalle, Vincent Lt. Cmdr. - Asstnt. Chief Engineer [SG, TSP, Cp, TOS #53]. Dettner - Engineering Officer [TOS #51]. Diaz Lt. [TOS #55]. Dickerson Lt. - Security Chief, Male [SC]. Dickerson Yeoman - Security Officer [SW/a]. Dickinson, Angela - Nurse, Female [ON 8]. Digard Ens. - Security Guard [IV/a]. DiFalco, Suzanne Lt. Cmdr.* - Chief Navigator*, Female [TOS #54, ST-TMP]. Dobius Crewman - Security Guard, Tanian, 7 feet tall [TOS #5, TOS #9]. Dobshansky Lt. Cmdr. - Head of Exosociology, Male [ON 3]. Domberwickey, Irvin Lt. Cmdr. - Socioanthropology Officer, transferred [ON 6]. Dominico, Sergei Lt. - Communications Officer [TOS #28]. Donnelly - Engineering Technician [TOS #24]. Donner - Killed [TOS #24]. Donovan Lt. - Biologist, Male. Killed on Taygeta V by Klingons [TOS #19]. Dorf - Paramedic [TOS #34]. Douglas, Heath Lt. Cmdr. - Chief Engineer briefly replacing Scott [TOS #8]. Doyle Crewman - Security Guard, Male. Mind was destroyed on Heartland [ON 13]. Drew - Nurse [TOS #24]. Dubois, Jerry Lt. - Engineering Officer, Male. Mind also destroyed [ON 2]. Duchamps - Subengineer [OUP/a]. Dunhill Ens. - Security Officer [ON 11]. Durban, Carlos - Biologist. Killed by alien telepathic butterflies [ON 6]. Dykstra - Operations Officer [TOS #71]. Dyson, Diana - Doctor (Neurosurgeon/Neurologist) [TOS #34]. Edwards - Process Control Chief (Engineering Officer) [TOS #67]. Effinger - Yeoman, in charge of bowling alley maintenance, Male [TOS #71]. Eisenberg [TOS #18]. Elkins [ON 3]. Eliot - Communications Officer [TOS #64]. Elliot, Sam - Male [CX]. Elliott Lt.* - Engineering Officer, Male. Originally an ensign [DMa]. Ellis - Female [TOS #56]. Ellison - Killed [TOS #34]. Endel Lt. (j.g.) - Security Officer, Kelyan, a reptilian. c. 2247 [TOS #44]. Endercott Lt. - Security Officer [ON 6]. Esswein, Acker M. Ens. - Security Officer, later Lt. (j.g.) [TOS #37, GN 5]. Estano Ens. - Security Officer [TOS #63]. Evans Ens. - Security Officer, Male, Black [ET]. Fahy - Science Specialist [TOS #50]. Farrel, John Lt. - Navigator, Male [MW, EW, Mi]. Feder [TOS #18]. Ferrara, Annie - Nurse, recently assigned from Starbase 19, Female [TOS #56]. Ferriter [TOS #56]. Finney, Benjamin Lt. Cmdr. - Chief Records Officer, court martialed [Cml]. Fisher Crewman - Geology Technician, Male [EW]. Fisher Ens. - Navigator [GN 7, TOS #18]. Fitzgerald - Security Guard, Killed on Arachne IV [ON 8]. Fitzsimmons Ens. [ON 11]. Flaherty Crewman c. 2282 [TOS #57]. Flores, Diana Octavia Siobhan "Dossie" Ens. - Navigator, Female [TOS #28]. Florida, Carlos Lt. - Helmsman, Male, Latin c. 2245 [GN 12]. Flynn, Mandala Lt. Cmdr. - Security Chief, Female [TOS #2]. Follett, Sharon Lt. - Science Officer (Astrophysics & Xenobiology) [ON 5]. Fontana Navigator [TOS #53]. Foss Lt. - Historian Male [TOS #64]. Foster Cadet - Electronics Specialist in 2287 [TOS #17/ST III]. Fphargn [TOS #53]. Franklin - Security Guard, Male. Killed by Sackers [TOS #41]. Frazer, Steven Lt. - Xenobiologist [TOS #34]. Freeman Ens. - Male. Could be a Lt. [TT]. Freeman, Gerrald Lt. - Life Sciences/Xenobiologist, Terran [TOS #13, TOS #18]. Frietas, Jorge - Yeoman [GN 7]. Frost Ens. - Engineer/Shuttle Pilot [ON 5]. Gabler, Frank - 2nd Engineering Officer, Black [OPM/a, Su/a, OUP/a, TOS #59]. Gabriel [TOS #12]. Gaetano Lt. - Radiation Specialist, Male. Killed on Taurus II [GS]. Galaym - Engineering Officer [TOS #40]. Gallagher - Security Officer [TOS #58]. Galloway Lt. - Security Officer, Male Killed by Tracy on Omega IV [Mi, TA, OG].Galloway [TOS #34]. Galway, Arlene Lt. - Chief Biologist, Female. Died from Hyperaging [DY]. Garcia - Nurse [TOS #32]. Garcia, Marilyn Crewman - Science Officer [ON 15]. Gardens Doctor - Temporary Chief Medical Officer [TOS #38]. Garibaldi, Mona [TOS #28]. Garison Crewman (Chief Petty Officer) "The Cage," Male. Garrovick, David Ens. - Security Officer, Male. Killed on Cragon [Ob, TOS #52]. Gary Lt. - Security Officer [ON 11]. Gemas Ens. - Security Officer, Male, Black [CC/a]. George, Sara Ens. - Female [ON 3]. Giacomo, Tracy Ens. - Computer Specialist [TOS #53, TOS #71]. Gilden Lt. - Assistant Historian, originally Ens. [TOS #53, TOS #23, TOS #71]. Giotto Lt. Cmdr. (or Cmdr?) - Security Chief, Male [DD, TOS #26, TOS #59]. Goldstein Ens. - Communications Officer [TOS #62]. Gomez - Security Officer [TOS #53]. Gooch, Mikki Ens. - Black, Female [TOS #30]. Gordon Lt. - Environmental Officer, Male [TOS #3]. Goro - Doctor (Medical Officer), Male [TOS #14]. Gorshim, Horst Lt. - Killed by an automaton on an alien world [ON 6]. Granger Lt. - Communications Officer [TOS #32]. Grant Lt. - Security Guard, Male. Killed on Capella IV by a Klingon [FC]. Green Crewman - Command Division, Male. Killed on M113 [MT]. Green, Ben - Engineering Officer, Male, at Bridge Engineering Station [TOS #10]. Greenberger Ens. - Science Officer, Female, Blond [TOS #33]. Gregory Lt. Cmdr. - Chief Physicist [ON 9]. Grenni, R. Cadet - Engineering Trainee in 2287 [TOS #7/ST II, TOS #17/ST III]. Grogan - Female Auxiliary Control Officer [TOS #20]. Hacker Ens. - Security Guard [MTT/a]. Hadley Lt. - Chief Scientist*, Male. Also helmsman [PA, TOS #26]. Haines, Jana Ens. - Navigator, Female. Also works at the science station [GT]. Hall, Veronica Ens. - Astrotelemetrist/Communications Officer c. 2245 [GN 12]. Hallie, Suzanna Ens. - Security Guard, Female. Killed on "Reltah" [TOS #63]. Hanashiro - Security Chief [TOS #67]. Hansen Lt. - Helmsman, Male [Cml, Me]. Harper Ens. - Engineering Officer, Male. Killed by the M-5 computer [UC]. Harrison Lt. Cmdr.* - Doctor (Pathologist*), Male. [NT]. Harrison Ens. - Technician, 1st class [SS, TOS #18]. Hart, Lissa - Engineering Technician, Female [ON 6]. Hasmid - Security Officer [SW/a]. Hautala Lt. - Navigator, Male [TOS #45]. Hazarstennaj, "Hazard" Lt. - Engineering Officer, assigned in 2258 [GN 1]. Helman Lt. Cmdr. - Second Science Officer, tall and thin, Blond [ON 3]. Helman, Yolanda - Yeoman, Female, assigned at end of 5-year mission [TOS #8]. Heming Lt. - Navigator, Oxonian [TOS #13]. Hendorf Crewman - Security Guard. Killed on Gamma Trianguli VI [TA]. Hernandez, Octavio Ens. - Science Specialist (Planetary) [ON 5]. Herring - Security Officer, Male [TOS #66]. Hetsko, Don - Nurse, Male [TOS #50]. Hevelin Lt. - Security Officer. Killed on Anomaly [ON 5]. Hicks Ens. - Engineering Officer? c. 2282 [TOS #57]. Hilambo Ens. - Security Officer [SW/a]. Hilg - Science Officer, Male, Ktorran [TOS #40]. Hixon, Bill Lt. - Security Officer, Male, remained on Anomaly, mutated [ON 5]. Hoffman - Paramedic. Killed [TOS #34]. Holgersson - Engineering Officer [TOS #45]. Howard, Michael Ens. - Security Officer, Male [TOS #60, TOS #62, TOS #68]. Hrdina - Security Guard [TOS #62]. Hrolfson - Security Guard, Male. Killed by Sackers [TOS #41]. Hudson - Computer Technician [TOS #28]. Huff - Security Officer [ON 5]. Hwavire Ens. - Navigator, Sulamid [TOS #18]. Hwong - Nurse [TOS #45]. Ihirian, Lasja - Engineer, Maintenance and Repair, Male, Sikh [GN 4]. Ilia Lt. (j.g.) - Navigator, Female, Deltan. Listed as missing, 2267 [ST-TMP]. Inciviglia - Security Officer [TOS #71]. Iziharry, Constance - Nurse, Female [TOS #28]. Jackson Crewman (Command Division) - Male. Killed on Pyris VII [Cp]. Jackson, Ub Ens. [OUP/a]. Jacob, Trish - Yeoman, Female, Brunette [TOS #69]. Jacobs Lt. - Engineering Officer [Mtu/a, TOS #51, TOS #65]. Jaeger, Karl Lt. - Scientist (Geologist/Meteorologist/Geophycisist)* Male [SG]. Jaffe - Security Guard [TOS #63]. Jagr - Security Officer [TOS #62]. Jahma, Mohamed - Male [TOS #27]. Jakobs - Security Officer [ON 11]. Jakorski - Killed in a Klingon attack [TOS #20]. Jamal, Zahra Crewman - Yeoman, Female [OA]. James Lt. - Engineering Officer, Male [EW]. Jameson Lt. - Science Officer [TOS #32]. Jamison - Security Officer. Killed on Delta Gamma IV by spores [ON 16]. Jaramillo - Yeoman (Sciences), Male [TOS #21]. Jefferson - Yeoman [TOS #71]. Jeffreys - Science Officer. Killed on Arachne IV [ON 8]. Jenkins - Yeoman (Engineering Division), Male [ON 3]. Johnson, Bill Ens. - Hanger Deck Officer, Part-Tarl [ON 5]. Johnson, Rusty Lt. - Ordnance* and Security Officer, Male [DD, TOS #26]. Johnstone - Security Guard [TOS #51]. Jones Ens. - Under Capt. April c. 2245 [GN 12]. Jones Lt. - Helmsman [ON 6]. Jordan Ens. - Computer Technician, Male. Assigned to auxiliary control [IM]. Josef, Yeshua ben Ensign - Navigator [TOS #51]. Josephs Lt. - Communications Officer, Male [JB, ON 2]. Jylor Lt. - Biologist [TOS #65]. K'ang Te Lt. - Head of Geology Section [EB/a]. Kalvecchio, Laurence - Doctor (Head Botanist), Male [TOS #10]. Kaplan - Engineering Officer [HS/a]. Kaplan Lt. - Security Guard, Male. Killed on Gamma Trianguli VI [TA]. Kaplan, Arthur - Security Officer [ON 9]. Karras, Selena Ensign [TOS #56]. Kasatsuki Lt. - Engineering Officer/Auxiliary Power, Female [TOS #7/ST II]. Kasita - Yeoman [TOS #38]. Kasuki - Security Officer [SW/a]. Kearly Ens. - Organic Fabrication Officer, Male [SW/a]. Kelly Ens. - Shuttle Pilot [ON 15]. Kelly Crewman - Security Guard. Killed by the Horta on Janus VI [DD]. Kelowicz - Security Guard [TOS #51]. Kelowitz Lt. Cmdr. - Security Officer, Male [GS, Ar, TSP]. Kelso, Lee Lt. - Helmsman, Male. Killed on Delta Vega by Mitchell [GN 2, WNM]. Kenzo - Medical Division? [TOS #37]. Kerasus, Janice Lt. - Chief of Linguistics, Female [TOS #13, TOS #18, TOS #50]. Kersley - Chief Engineer, Female. The first Chief Engineer c. 2220 [CC/a]. Kesselmann, Deke Ens. - Ordnance Officer, Male [TOS #12]. Keth - Security Officer [TOS #51]. Khalifa [TOS #18]. Kinitz - Security Chief, Male. Killed aboard ship [TOS #14]. Kirk, James Tiberius Capt.-Adm. - Commanding Officer through 3+ 5-year missionsKnealayz, Temren Ens. - Alien Technology Expert, Female [TOS #65]. Kopka - Engineering Officer, Male [TOS #10]. Korren [TOS #18]. Kouc - Yeoman [TOS #10]. Kraft Lt. - Female [TOS #34]. Krejci [TOS #18]. Krelidze Lt. - Communications Officer [TOS #27]. Krensky - Transporter Specialist? [SW/a]. Kugel - Assistant Engineer in 2267 [TOS #1/ST-TMP]. Kukar Crewman? [ON 14]. Kyle, Winston Lt. - Helmsman/Transporter Chief, Male [TY, TOS #18, TOS #19]. Kyotamo - Yeoman (Botany), Female, Brunette [TOS #10]. Lamia Ens. - Security Officer, Andorian, Female [TOS #37]. Lancer, Lily - Yeoman, Female [OUP/a]. Landon, Martha Crewman - Yeoman (Services), Female [TA]. Lang Lt. - Ordnance Officer, Male. Killed on Cestus III in Gorn attack [Ar]. Langely Crewman [ON 6]. Langsam [TOS #18]. Lanter, Anitra Ens. - Medical Doctor, Female [TOS #30]. Lanz, Rachel Ens. - Engineer, Female. Killed by Romulans on Aritani [TOS #27]. Larousse, Martin Lt. - Linguist? [ON 11]. Latimer Lt. - Navigator, Male. Killed on Taurus II [GS]. Lawson - Helmsman [TOS #50]. Lawton, Tina Crewman (3rd Class) - Yeoman (Sciences), Female [CX]. Layne - Engineering Officer [TOS #51]. Laysa - Communications Officer [TOS #51]. Layton, Marg Commander - Records Officer, Female [TOS #51]. Leaming Lt. - Communications Officer [ON 10]. Lee, Azril Lt. - Ordnance Officer (Junior), Terran [TOS #18, TOS #47]. Lefebre - Third Transporter Engineer [Te/a]. Leftwell, Jenavi Lt. [TOS #51]. Lemieux Ens. - Security Officer, Female [TOS #60, TOS #62, TOS #68]. Lemli Lt. - Security Officer, Male. Also an Engineer [RT, WEd, TI]. Leno, Christina - Security Officer, Female [TOS #63]. Leonidas, Alexander Cmdr. - First Officer during Tomarii affair, Male [TOS #8]. Leslie Lt. - Helmsman*, Security Officer and possibly Security Chief [TOS #56]. Leslie Ens. [GN 7]. Levine, Jonah - Medical Doctor, assigned near end of mission [TOS #8]. Lewis Crewman - Security Guard [DD]. Lewis - Subengineer (transporters) Female [LS/a]. Lihwa Ens. - Andorian [TOS #18]. Lin Lt. - Communications Officer, Chinese, Brunette, Female [TOS #33]. Lindenbaum - Security Officer, Male, Blue-eyed [TOS #19]. Lindsay Crewman - Security Guard [DD]. Lindstrom Crewman - Sociologist, Male. Remained on Beta III [RA]. Ling Lt. - Security Officer [OUP/a]. Litowinsky, Olga Lt. - Chief Computer Librarian, Terran [TOS #47]. Litt [TOS #18]. Liu, Teresa Ens. - Killed by "demons" [TOS #30]. Livinger - Killed in a Klingon attack [TOS #20]. London, Robbie Ens. [TOS #18]. Longey - Technician [OUP/a]. Lopez - Security Officer [ON 6]. Loupas - Transporter Specialist? [SW/a]. Lowrey, Theodore Ens. - Science Officer, Male. Transferred off [ON 8]. Lowry Lt. - Security Officer, Male, near the end of the mission [TOS #8]. Lyle Ens. - Transporter Officer [TOS #27]. M'baww Ens. - Medical Technician [EB/a]. M'degu Ens. - Transporter Specialist [Be/a]. M'Gura - Killed in a Klingon attack [TOS #20]. M'turr Lt. (j.g.) - Female [Te/a]. M'viore Ens. - Warp Drive Technician, Caitian [SW/a]. M'Benga, Geoffery Lt. Cmdr. - Doctor (Surgeon) Male, Black [TOS #38, PLW, TWS]. M'Ress Lt. - Communications Officer, Female Caitian, felinoid biped from Cait. Maass, Diane [TOS #18]. Maass, Donald [TOS #18]. MacPherson, Alec Chief (P.O.?) - Assistant Chief Engineer [TOS #28, TOS #32]. Maevlynin Crewman - Medical Technician/Botonist, Estryllian [TOS #26]. Mahase Lt. - Communications Officer - [TOS #13, TOS #18, TOS #53, TOS #71]. Malkson [TOS #18]. Mallory Lt. - Security Officer, Male. Killed on Gamma Trianguli VI [TA]. Mancuso Crewmember - c. 2254 [TOS #56]. Margolis [TOS #56]. Marion - Yeoman, Female [MP/a]. Markham Lt. - Engineering Officer [Be/a]. Markson, Daniel Ens. - Security Officer, Male. Killed on "Reltah" [TOS #63]. Marple Lt. - Security Guard, Male. Killed on Gamma Trianguli VI [TA]. Martin - Science Officer. Killed on Arachne IV [ON 8]. Martin, Thorin Lt. Cmdr. - Science Officer briefly replacing Spock [TOS #8]. Martinelli Lt. [TOS #11]. Martine-Teller, Angela Lt. - Communications Officer [BT, SL, TI]. Marvick, Larry - Chief Warp Drive Engineer, Male, c. 2245 Civilian? [GN 12]. Massachi [Te/a]. Masters, Charlene Lt. - Engineering Officer, Female, Black [AF]. Masters Lt. - Chemist [TOS #24, TOS #59]. Masters - Security Chief [TOS #11]. Matejas, Jorg - Quartermaster? Male [GN 4]. Matlock, Colin - Security Chief [TOS #13, TOS #18]. Matshushita, Harry [TOS #18]. Matson, Larry Lt. [CK]. Matthews Crewman - Security Officer. Killed on Exo III [LG]. Matthews - Security Officer. Killed on Delta Gamma IV by spores [ON 16]. Maybri, Seena Lt. - Erithian. Later a Lt. Cmdr. [TOS #33, TOS #39]. Mayer, Lyra - Nurse, Female [MP/a]. Maynooth Lt. - Particle Physicist and head of ion-study lab [TOS #53, TOS #71]. Mbu Lt. [TOS #71]. McConel, Heather Chief (P.O.?) - Engineer, Female, Redhead [TOS #3, TOS #12]. McCoy, Leonard Horatio - Ship's Chief Medical Officer/Surgeon for 27 years. McDonough - Computer Chief [TOS #53, TOS #71]. McDuff, Hondo - Subengineer [LS/a]. McGaren - Security Guard, Male [TOS #65]. McGee Ens. c. 2282 [TOS #57]. McGivers, Marla Lt. - Historian, Female, Redhead. Resigned and died [SS]. McHenry, Thomas [TOS #28]. McNair, Teresa Ens. - Female, Brown Hair, Green Eyes [TOS #11]. McPhee Ens. - Transporter Specialist? [TOS #32]. Meadows, George Lt. Commander - Chief Geologist, Male. Killed c.2247 [TOS #44]. Mears Crewman - Yeoman, Female [GS]. Meier, Wes - Linguistics Specialist [TOS #50]. Mendez - Medical Specialist, Male [CC/a]. Mendez Ensign - Galley Officer [TOS #53]. Mendez Lt. - Cryptography/Communications? Officer, Female [TOS #19]. Mendoza, Angela Lt. - Science Officer, Female. Killed on Arachne IV [ON 8]. Menon - Yeoman [TOS #51]. Meshav Lt. - Data Management Officer, Sulamid [GN 4]. Meyer - Security Guard c. 2282 [TOS #57]. Meyers Ens. - Helmsman, Female [TOS #29]. Meyers Lt. - Security Officer/Shuttle Pilot, Male [EB/a]. Michaels Ens. - Security Guard. Assigned to Boaco VI [TOS #46]. Michaelson Ens. - Navigator? [TOS #67]. Michelli, Donna - Female [ON 6]. Mikahlis, Giorgo - Engineering Officer. Killed on Aritani [TOS #27]. Miller, Dan - Second Engineering Officer/Computers [TOS #53, TOS #71]. Minambres [TOS #18]. Miraskin Ens. - Communications Officer [TOS #64]. Mitchell, Gary Lt. Cmdr. - Chief Navigator (First Officer?), Killed [WNM]. Mocre - Security Officer [ON 5]. Montgomery - Security Officer, Male [DMa]. Moore, Mark Ens. - Security Officer, Male [ON 5, ON 11]. Moreau, Marlena Lt. - Scientist (Chief Chemist*), Female, Brunette [MM]. Morris [TOS #18]. Morrison Ens. - Science Specialist [TOS #50]. Mosley Crewman - Security Guard, Male [ON 13]. Mosley Crewman - Stores division [TOS #13, TOS #18]. Mueller Ens. - Chief Communications Specialist, stationed in Com center [ON 6]. Mueller, Hans - Engineering Technician, Male. Transferred off [ON 8]. Muir, Andrew - Communications Specialist, Male [TOS #69]. Mulhall, Anne Lt. Cmdr. - Scientist (Chief Astrobiologist*), Female [RT]. Mullen Ens. - Ordnance Officer [TOS #62]. Muller [TOS #18]. Munker Lt. - Legal Advisor, Female [ON 15]. Muromba Lt. - Helmsman [TOS #10]. Murphy Ens. - Security Guard. Killed on Rakatan [TOS #68]. N'Komo Crewman - Shuttle Pilot [ON 15]. Nairobi, Bradford Ens. - Security Guard, Male. Killed on Careta IV [TOS #65]. Nakamura Ens. [TOS #65]. Namura Ens. - Security Officer [Be/a]. Naraht, Dahai Iohor Lt. - Biomathematics, Horta [TOS #18, TOS #35, GN 4]. Nason - Engineering Officer [ON 14]. Ndugu, Henry - Security Guard [OUP/a]. Neal - Security Officer, Male [TOS #12]. Nelson Lt. - Security Officer [TOS #38]. Nelson - Hydroponics Officer [TOS #34]. Newman Lt. - Science Officer c. 2282 [TOS #57]. Nguyen, Lisa Ens. - Security Officer, Female [TOS #30, TOS #37, GN 5]. Nikkatsu [Te/a]. Niliet Ens. [TOS #13]. Nobis Lt. - Helmsman of the Enterprise upon launch on July 4, 2220 [CC/a]. Noel, Helen Lt.* - Scientist (Chief* Psychiatrist), Female [DMd]. Nored, Anne Lt. - Security Officer, Female. Transferred off then on [Su/a]. North - Communications Officer [TOS #50]. Norton [TOS #18]. Nuara - Linguistics Specialist [TOS #50]. Nyssa Ens. - Communications Officer, Female [TOS #63]. Oba - Assistant Transporter Chief [TOS #53, TOS #71]. O'Brian Lt. [IM]. O'Connor Ens. - Navigator, Female [TOS #27]. O'Dell Crewman - Bosun operator [TOS #69]. O'Herlihy Lt. - Ordnance Officer, Male. Killed on Cestus III [Ar]. O'Hyr - Yeoman (Security) [SW/a]. O'Neil Lt. - Transporter Officer, Male. Originally a sociologist [RA, TW]. O'Neill Ens. - Security Officer, Male. Killed on Taurus II [GS]. O'Shay - Security Chief, Ingrit Tomson's predecessor [TOS #27]. Ohara, Sean Lt. - Security Officer, Galacian [TOS #47]. Olag Ens. - Security Officer [TOS #38]. Olaus Lt. - Security Chief [TOS #15]. Omara, Micah - Petty Officer, Second Class [ON 15]. Onorax Lt. - Security Officer, Oxalian [TOS #10]. Oppenheimer Ens. [TOS #36]. Oranjeboom [TOS #18]. Organa Lt. - Security Officer [TOS #53, TOS #71]. Orloff Lt. Cmdr. - Security Chief, Male. c. 2247 [TOS #44]. Orsay, Marie-Therese Ens. - Engineer, Female [TOS #21]. Osborne Lt. - Security Officer, Male [TA, DD]. Owens Crewman - Science Officer, Male, Black [TOS #56]. Oyama Commander - Third in command, Female c. 2247. [TOS #44]. Oyama - Security Officer, Female [TOS #53]. Paek Ens. - Security Officer, Female, Korean [TOS #62]. Paikert - Security Officer [TOS #45]. Painter Lt. - Navigator, Male [TSP]. Palamas, Carolyn Lt. - Archaeologist/Anthropologist, Female [WM, GN 7]. Palmer Lt. - Communications Officer, Female, Blond [DMa, WEd, TOS #34]. Palmer, Lisbeth Ensign - Communications Specialist [TOS #51]. Parker - Science Officer [TOS #50]. Patten Lt. - Security Chief [TOS #3, TOS #12]. Paul [TOS #18]. Pauli Ens. - Security Guard [TOS #15]. Paxson [TOS #71]. Peretz Ensign - Communications Officer [TOS #51]. Peters Ens. [ON 3]. Peterson Lt. - Hangar Deck Officer, recently assigned [TOS #59]. Pfeiffer - Security Guard [TOS #51]. Phillips - Yeoman - Security Officer, Female [TOS #11]. Phillips Lt. - Astrobiologist*, Inorganic Fabrication [UC, TOS #53]. Phillips Crewman - Security Officer, Male. Killed by V'ger [TOS #1/ST-TMP]. Pike, Christopher Robin Capt. - Commanding Officer 2246-2258 [TOS #44]. Piper, Mark - Chief Surgeon, briefly assigned prior to Dr. McCoy [GN 1, WNM]. Pitcairn Commander* - Transporter Chief, Male, later Chief Engineer [TOS #56]. Pittarese Lt. - Astronomer [TOS #59]. Placer, Ramona Lt. - Personnel Officer, Female [ON 10]. Plumtree Ens. - Technician? [TOS #64]. Po Lt. - Navigator, Navigator on the original launch of the Enterprise [CC/a]. Porter [ON 6]. Preston, Peter - Engineering Cadet 1st Class. Killed in 2287 [TOS #7/ST II]. Pritchard Lt. - Science Officer [TOS #55]. Prox Ens. - Medical Technician [EB/a]. Prusinowski - Shuttle Pilot. Killed [TOS #34]. Publicker, Mark Ens. - Security Officer, Male. Died on Nordstral [TOS #60]. Pulaski Commander - Security Chief [ON 3]. Quarton - Assistant Engineer, Female, in 2267 [TOS #1/ST-TMP]. R'leez Ens. - Security Officer, Caitian [SW/a]. Ragsdale - Security Chief [TOS #19]. Raina - Helmsman, Female. Recently assigned [TOS #41]. Rajanih - Dentist, Doctor in charge of the ship's dental unit [TOS #32]. Ramirez - Security Guard [TOS #51]. Ramsey - Doctor (Child Psychology & Behavior) [TOS #46]. Rand, Janice - Yeoman, later CPO/Transporter Chief [ST-TMP, TOS #51, TOS #63]. Rawlings - Computer Technician [TOS #28]. Rawlins Lt. Cmdr. - Scientist (Chief Geologist*) [UC]. Rayburn Crewman - Security Guard. Killed on Exo III [LG]. Raymond, Miriam - Medical Technician (2nd Class). Killed on Delta Gamma [ON 16]. Real, John Cadet - Helmsman Trainee aboard near end of mission [TOS #8]. Recchi - Security Officer [TOS #62]. Reed, Daniel Lt. - Security Guard, Part-Vulcan, Male. Killed c 2247 [TOS #44]. Reed, Francis Drake Lt. - Security Chief, Male under April c. 2245 [GN 12]. Reems (2nd) Lt. - Security Officer [TOS #32, TOS #27]. Regev, Varth Lt. Cmdr. - First Officer--brief replacement for Spock [TOS #27]. Reichert - Security Guard [TOS #66]. Reichert, Carl Ens. - Engineering Technician [TOS #24]. Reilley Ens. [TOS #23]. Reilly Ens. - Yeoman [TOS #33, TOS #53, TOS #71]. Remington, Carl Ens. - Manned Auxiliary Bridge. Killed in an attack [TOS #20]. Remner [TOS #18]. Renner, Theresa Lt. - Transporter Technician, Female [TOS #18, TOS #50]. Rhada Lt. - Helmsman, Female [TWS]. Richardson, Jeremy J. Lt. - Navigator, Male [TOS #24]. Rigel, Ruth Lt. - Chief Veterinarian, Female [ON 8, ON 16]. Riley, Kevin Thomas Lt. - Communications & Nav. Male [NT, CK, ON 15, GN 5]. Rivera - Security Officer [TOS #34]. Rizzo Ens. - Security Officer, Male. Killed on Argus X [Ob]. Rizzuto - Historian. Assigned to Boaco VI [TOS #46]. Robinson, Bobby - Security Officer [ON 16, TOS #62]. Robison, Sean - Yeoman, Male [TOS #66]. Rodino - Computer Technician [Tr/a]. Rodrigues Lt. - Helmsman [ON 10]. Rodriguez, Esteban Lt. - Chief Botanist*, Male [SL]. Rodriguez - Forensics Officer, Male [TOS #30]. Rogers Lt. - Transporter Officer [ON 3]. Rosen - Killed in a Klingon attack [TOS #20]. Ross, Anita Ens. - Ordnance Officer, Female [TOS #12]. Ross, Teresa Ens. - Yeoman, Female, Blond [SG]. Rostofski Ens. - Environmental Engineer [TOS #32]. Roswind Crewman [GN 1]. Rothbaum Dr. - Medical Officer [TOS #67]. Rotsler [TOS #18]. Rowe Lt. - Security Officer, Male [IM]. Russ Lt. - Engineering Officer, Male [DMa]. Russell - Paramedic. Killed [TOS #34]. Russell - Chief Historian [TOS #71]. Ryan Lt. - Helmsman*, and Navigator, Male [NT]. Ryan Lt. - Helmsman, Female [TOS #52]. S'Bysh Lt. - Navigator c. 2280, Ryjhahx [TOS #39]. S'Parva - Yeoman (Science?), Katellan (quadraped), Female [TOS #24]. Saavik Lt. - Navigator, Vulcan-Romulan, Female [TOS #25, TOS #7/ST II, ST III]. Sagady, Mayri Lt. - Chief of Astrocartography, Sadrao, Female [TOS #13]. Samuelsson - Security Guard [TOS #62]. Sanchez Ens. - Food Technician [SW/a]. Sanchez Lt. Cmdr. - Doctor (Surgeon*), also a pathologist [TWS]. Sanders Ens. - Security Guard [TOS #26]. Sanderson - Engineering Officer [TOS #55]. Sandson - Lab Technician (geology) c. 2247 [TOS #44]. Santana Lt. - Security Guard [TOS #33]. Satterfield - Engineering Officer [TOS #66]. Schang, Albert Crewman - Security Guard, Male [ON 13]. Schneider - Transporter Technician, Male [GN 4]. Scott, Montgomery Edward Commander - Chief Engineer Sefor - Astrophysicist, Vulcan, c. 2247 [TOS #44]. Sellers Crewmember - c. 2254 [TOS #56]. Selon - Male [TOS #24]. Senif - Engineering Officer [HS/a]. Sepopoa, Ann - Engineering Officer, Female [Te/a]. Shaffer Ens. - Helmsman [ON 3]. Shallert - Transporter Officer [TOS #15]. Shanti Lt. - Security Officer, Female [TOS #55]. Shaw Crewman [ON 14]. Shea Lt. - Security Officer, Male, Black [AON]. Sheckley - Security Officer [ON 6]. Shigeda - Engineer (Life Support Systems), Oriental [ON 8]. Shimada - Yeoman (Security), Female (and great looking) [TOS #71]. Shundresh - First Officer upon original launch on July 4, 2220 [CC/a]. Siderakis, Peter Lt. - Helmsman, Male [TOS #28]. Siegler, Joe Lt. - Medicine Division [TOS #50]. Sikh Ens. [ON 5]. Silver Lt. [TOS #50]. Silverman - Security Officer [TOS #45]. Simon, Lorna Commander - First Officer, Female c. 2245 [GN 12]. Singh - Yeoman (Engineering), Laundry & Recycling [TOS #71]. Singh Lt. - Engineering Officer, Male. Assigned to Auxiliary Control [Cg]. Sjveda Lt. [TOS #18]. Smith Ens. - Yeoman (Deck) Female, Blond [WNM]. Smith, Beatrice Crewman - Female, Elderly [TOS #2]. Snnanagfashtalli, "Snarl" Ens. - Security Officer, Felinoid [TOS #2, TOS #21]. Solari Crewman - Ordnance Officer, Highest-ranking gunnery officer [ON 10]. Son, Glak Ens. - Mathematician, short, hairy alien from Anacontor [ON 11]. Soulian, Isaac Ens. - Navigator c. 2245 [GN 12]. Sparer Ens. - Helmsman, Female [TOS #55]. "Specks" Ens. - Historian, Male [ON 15]. Spencer - Security Officer [TOS #55]. Spinelli Lt. - Navigator, Male. Also helmsman [SS]. Spock, Xtmprszntwlfd - Science Officer, later First Officer and Capt. [ST II]. Stanger, Jonathon H. Lt. - Security Officer, Male, Black [TOS #37, GN 5]. Stanley - Engineering Officer [TOS #59]. Steinberg, David - Security Guard. Killed by Romulans on Gateway [TOS #11]. Stewart Ens. [TOS #10]. Stewart, Larry Lt. [TOS #48]. Stewart - Head of Astronomical Mapping [Te/a]. Stiles, Andrew Lt. - Ordnance Officer*, Male. Originally a navigator [BT]. Stokely, Ussef Petty Officer, First Class [ON 15]. Stryker Lt. - Engineering Officer, Male [TOS #30]. Sturgeon Crewman - Medical Technician, Male. Killed by the M113 creature [MT]. Suarez Ens. - Security Officer [SW/a]. Sue Lt. [TOS #71]. Sulernova, Helena Ens. - Engineering Officer [TOS #42]. Sulu, Hikaru I. W. Lt. - Originally Chief Astrophysicist later Chief Helmsman. Sweeny, Dennis Ens. - Security Guard. Killed aboard the "Enterprise" [TOS #62]. Sydny Lt. - Ethnologist (Klingon society), Female [ON 11]. T'Pris Lt. - Astrobiologist, Vulcan, Female. Killed c. 2247 [TOS #44]. T'zeela Lt. - Communications Officer, Vulcan, Female [TOS #19]. Tadaki Ens. - Female [LS/a]. Tajiri - Lab Technician [TOS #34]. Taka [TOS #50]. Takeoka - Killed [TOS #34]. Takohara, Myoki Lt. - Security Officer c. 2247 [TOS #44]. Tallieur - Ship's Assistant Historian [TOS #65]. Talliflores Lt. - Communications Officer [SW/a]. Tamura, Keiko Ens. - Security Officer, Female, originally Yeoman [TA, TOS #26]. Tanaka Lt. [TOS #32]. Tankris Ens. - Yeoman (Records Officer), Female [WF]. Tanzer, Harb Lt. Cmdr. - Chief of Recreation, Male [TOS #13, TOS #18, GN 4]. Tate Ens. - Security Guard [TOS #62]. Tee Thov - Navigator [TOS #50]. Tei, Lala - Quartermaster? Female [GN 4]. Tenaida Lt. - Science Officer, Deltan, Male [TOS #51]. Tenzing - Security Officer, Female. Died on Nordstral [TOS #60]. Temple, Grace - Biologist [ON 16]. Tenney - Transporter Specialist? [TOS #66]. Terrensen - Technician [TOS #65]. Tersarkisov - Engineer. "Rowdiest engineer on board." [TOS #27]. Tertullian, Reena - Navigator, Female [TOS #26]. Thomas Ens. - Engineering Officer [ON 2]. Thomas - Security Officer [TOS #19]. Thompson, Leslie Ens. - Yeoman, Female. Killed by the Kelvans [AON]. Thorton - Security Guard [TOS #46]. Thorvaldsen, Bill - Chief Impulse Engineer, Male c. 2245 Civilian? [GN 12]. Thule Petty Officer, First Class - Technician [SS]. Ti-Chen Crewman - Ordnance Officer, Female [ON 10]. Tiilson Ensign - Security Officer [TOS #51]. Timmons - Security Guard, Male [TOS #65]. Tinney, Parker Ens. - Linguist, Female [ON 11]. Tjieng - Doctor [TOS #37]. Tocchet - Security Officer [TOS #62]. Tomari, Isabel - Yeoman. Tomarii Saboteur planted aboard the ship [TOS #8]. Tomlinson, Robert Ens. - Phaser Specialist, Command Division. Killed [BT]. Tomson, Ingrit Lt. - Security Chief, Female [TOS #32, TOS #27, TOS #30, GN 5]. Tooch - Transporter Specialist c. 2282 [TOS #57]. Tormolen, Joe Lt. (j.g.) - Science Officer. Died from Psi 2000 virus [NT]. Tracy, Karen Lt. - Psychotech, Female. Killed on Argelius II by Redjack [WF]. Trakis, Evangelia [TOS #37]. Trancas Ens. - Security Officer [SW/a]. Trottier - Security Officer [TOS #62]. Trucco - Security Guard [TOS #41]. Tuan Ens. - Security Officer, Male [Su/a]. Two Feathers - Engineering Officer [TOS #52]. Tyler, Philip Jose - Navigator, Male "The Cage" c. 2248 [TOS #57]. Tzesnashstennaj - Security Officer, Female [GN 1]. Uhura, Nyota Penda Commander - Chief of Communications, originally Lt. Ush - Security Officer [IV/a]. Valdini - Security Officer under Pike and Kirk killed on Argus X [TOS #57, Ob]. Valjean - Science Officer [TOS #45]. Van Dreenan, Jo - Security Specialist, Male [HS/a]. Van Pelt - Security Guard [TOS #66]. Veblen, Jan Lt. - Computer Officer in charge of monitors, Male [TOS #15]. Vedama Lt. - Science Officer (Life Support) [SW/a]. Vehau Ens. - Communications Officer, Female, Delasi [TOS #50]. Vierne - Female [LS/a]. Vigeland, Elva Lt. - Geologist, Female [ON 6]. Vigelshevsky Lt. - Communications Officer at end of mission [TOS #37, GN 5]. Vincent - Communications Officer c. 2248 under Capt. Pike [TOS #57]. Viola - Bridge Officer c. 2248 under Capt. Pike [TOS #57]. Visti, Seppu - Hydroponics Technician? [GN 4]. Vitali - Navigator, Female [ON 3]. Vlastikovich Ens. - Security Guard [TOS #33]. Vorozh, Martina Ens. - Security Officer, Female [GN 5]. Vrrr - Biologist, Catullan, Female [TOS #9]. Vuong Lt. - Navigator [TOS #21]. Walenski - Clerk (Services), Female [TOS #38]. Walking Bear, Dawson Ens. - Helmsman Male, Comanche Indian [HS/a]. Wallace, Janet - Scientist (Endocrinologist) Civilian? Female, blond [DY]. Wallace - Paramedic. Killed [TOS #34]. Wardoff [ON 6]. Washburn Lt.* - Engineering Officer, Male. Originally an Ens. [DMa, TOS #59]. Watanabe [TOS #71]. Watkins, John B. Ens. - Engineer, Grade 4, Male, Black. Murdered [TWS]. Watson Crewman - Engineering Officer, Male. Killed by an Elasian [ET]. Wayne, Bradford - Helmsman under Captain Pike c. 2254 [TOS #56]. Wein - Yeoman (Security), Male [TOS #71]. Weinberg Ens. - Yeoman (Psychohistorian), Male [ON 7]. Weinberger Ens. - Engineering Officer c. 2280 [TOS #39]. Wellman Lt. (j.g.) - Quarterdeck Officer [TOS #15]. Wen Commander - Hydroponics Officer [GN 4]. Wheeler - Yeoman (Security), Female [TOS #71]. White, Cathy Cadet - Nurse Trainee, Female, aboard near mission's end [TOS #8]. Whitehead - Engineering Officer [TOS #45]. Whitehorse, Janara - Geologist, Female [TOS #51]. Williams Lt. - Security Guard, Male [ON 8]. Willinck Lt. - Shuttle pilot [TOS #26]. Wilson Crewman - Technician, Transporter Specialist, Male [EW]. Wilson, B. "Tuck" Lt. - Security Chief [ON 11]. Wilson, Bethany Lt. - Life Support/Engineering Officer, Female [TOS #19]. Winfield Lt. - Engineering Officer [TOS #71]. Wirrering - Communications Officer, Male [TOS #41]. Woida Lt. - Helmsman/Navigator, Male [TOS #32, TOS #43]. Wolfman - Yeoman (Security) [TOS #71]. Wood - Security Officer [TOS #45]. Wyatt Ens. Technician, Transporter Specialist, Male. Murdered [TWS]. Xon Lt. - Assistant Science Officer*, Male, Vulcan during 3rd mission [ST-TMP]. Yang Ens. [Te/a]. Ybarra, Rosaly Ens. [ON 5]. Yendes Ensign - Male, Killed [TOS #51]. Yimasa Lt. - Navigator, Andorran [TOS #15]. Yoden, Markel [TOS #37]. Zacharia Lt. - Communications Officer c. 2247 [TOS #44]. Zellich - Transporter Specialist? [TOS #66]. Zhiming, Lao Ens. - Male [TOS #71]. Zink - Yeoman (Stores), Female [TOS #53, TOS #71]. * Indicates rank and/or position as attained by c. 2267 according to the USS Enterprise Officers Manual. Rank Abbreviations Ens. = Ensign Lt. (j.g.) = Lieutenant, Junior Grade Lt. = Lieutenant Lt. Cmdr. = Lieutenant Commander Cmdr. = Commander Capt. = Captain Not all sources are necessarily given due to space limitations. Each crew member gets a single 80 column line and that's it. I've tried to make the best of the limited amount of space. For most entries it's more than enough. This "Enterprise" personnel listing should by no means be considered complete. While I've tried my best to include all crew members from the series, movies, novels, and novelizations, I'm sure that I've missed some. Many positions are also open to interpretation. This file will be continuously updated and cor- rected, time permitting. The only sources ignored are the comic books. Civilians, passengers, and temporary transfers are not included. Exceptions are personnel who may or may not be civilians and are permanently assigned. There are also exceptions to "temporary transfers" as I'm not certain in some cases which are "temporary" for, as can be seen, many of the "regular" crew members in the "5th year" of the 5-year mission appear for a short period of time, usually in only one novel or two, then are never heard from again... Refer to latest version of my Star Trek Chronology for the order of episodes andfor the call letters of the sources, not to mention key dates. Almost all recorded personnel from the animated series are taken from the Alan Dean Foster "Star Trek Logs" novelizations which introduced a wide-range of new crew members. It must be emphasized that this report only covers the original starship "Enterprise" from when she was launched (2220-) under Captain April, through Captain Pike's command (2246-) and through Captain Kirk's command (2258-). "Enterprise" personnel of NCC-1701-A (ST IV+) and beyond are not included. Data in the "Final Frontier" Diane Carey novel is conjectural, largely inaccurate and from Kirk's imagination apparently. Though "Best Destiny" lends credibility to several officers. Another "bad book" is "Enterprise: The First Adventure" which many fans to this day still believe to be "authorized" by Gene Roddenberry simply because Pocket Books got the Great Bird to tag his recommendation on. I hardly believe he read it because it's That Bad as far as continuity goes. Eddie Paskey played Lt. Leslie throughout most of the original series and many undefined extras. Leslie seemingly dies in "Obsession," a victim of the VampireCloud. Yet miraculously appears in later episodes and novels inexplicably. He may have had a double. In "The Rift," Commodore Tyler refers to a security officer Valdini who may have been his double. Valdi is stated to have died on Argus X. Speaking of doubles, where there is uncertainty between officers in novels, I have split them up into different entries. An officer named Lyle mans the transporter in one book. Apprently it's a typo, as his name should be Kyle. Or isn't it? No proof exists either way so he's listed as a seperate officer. The only exception to this was IngriD Tomson, as I assume there can't be two Security Chiefs with so similar a sounding name who are gawky females... It's also possible for several poorly described characters to be one and the same. "Specks" in "The Galactic Whirlpool" may very well be Foss, but there's no way for us to know. There are also multiple Greens, Mendezes, Stewarts and other crew members of varying ranks... There is a fine line between Security Guard and Security Officer. Likewise for Engineering Officer (Engineer? Technician?) If a crew member is seen at a transporter console he may be a Transporter Specialist, a Technican, an Engineeror have some other position. The point being that there is a great deal of Uncertainty everywhere. Kyle and Leslie frequently were changing posts. The same is undoubtedly true for others. For the original series episodes, rank braid stripes can also be confusing. Between "Court Martial" and "The Menagerie" Lt. Commander Spock was promoted to the rank of full Commander--yet since "The Corbomite Maneuver" he's always worn two solid stripes. The same is also true for Lt. Commander Ben Finney in "Court Martial" and Lt. Commander Giotto in "Devil in the Dark"--2 full stripes on their uniforms. Perhaps they were in line for promotion? In "Return to Tomorrow" Dr. Anne Mulhall is an Astrobiologist--yet instead of wearing the standard Sciences blue uniform she wears Engineering/Services red... Ranks below Lieutenant can be confusing to decipher in the classic series. On a glance it appears that Ensigns are braidless judging by Mr. Chekov but "The Making of Star Trek-The Motion Picture" describes the rank system as Ensign grade wearing a single dashed stripe (as does the "Federation Reference Series). The FRS states that Ensign Appointee wears no stripe, perhaps Chekov'srank in the series or perhaps a change in uniform braid during the period of ST-TMP. The FRS also says that crewmen and petty officers are braidless so who's to say What rank lies at the bottom of the chain of command? "Braidless" crew members named in the series I simply recorded as Crewman unless stated to be Ensign or some other rank. I'm sure that the personnel seen wearing jump- suits are non-commissioned personnel, petty officers. Uniform colors in the series have never been a mystery: Gold/Light Green for Command (called Deck Group in FRS to avoid confusion with Line Officers and such), Blue for Sciences,and Red for Engineering/Support Services. But what few people know is that in the two pilot episodes ("The Cage" & "Where No Man Has Gone Before"): Green Tan was for Deck Group, Sand was for Services, and Blue was for Sciences. The Gold and Sand uniforms were often mistaken for the same color. This isn't a uniform reference so I'll quit rambling on. Though I will point out that the non-commissioned personnel were very easily identified in ST VI with the Cadet uniform tops in addition to gold name tag additions. The FRS gives these enlisted ratings: Crewman Enlistee, Crewman Apprentice, Crewman, Petty Officer 3rd Class, Petty Officer 2nd Class, Petty Officer 1st Class, and Chief Petty Officer. All apparently wear no sleeve braid. During "The Slaver Weapon" (chronologically the last episode of the animated series going by Alan Dean Foster's order, preceding the bulk of the "5th year" novels) there were a total of 3 Caitians serving aboard the "Enterprise:" Lt. M'ress, Ens. M'viore, and Ens. R'leez. At the time of "Planet of Judgment" (a novel set in the last year of Kirk's classic 5-year mission) Ensign Bill Johnson was said to be one of 8 crew members aboard considered an "alien" (i.e. non-Human), being part-Tarl. Following the "Crisis on Centaurus" incident, no less than 4 "Enterprise" crew members resigned their positions in order to assist in relief efforts: Nurse Iziharry, Thomas McHenry, Mona Garibaldi, and helmsman Peter Siderakis. At the time of "Bloodthirst" Security Chief Ingrit Tomson is in command of 18 security personnel which are said to comprise the entire Security squadron of the "Enterprise." No explanation is given for such a low number, it should be 89. A transpositional error or maybe the author meant to say that 18 security personnel were currently on duty? The latter half of "The Rift" is assumed to be c. 2282 and not after ST V going by the 33 year jump, regardless of the references to David Marcus and 1701-A. Here is the ship's complement for the "Enterprise" after her upgrade to the "Achernar" configuration (animated series and 5th year novels through the remainder of the classic 5-year mission) according to the Franz Joseph U.S.S. "Enterprise" Blueprints: Command Commanding officer (captain): 1 Executive officer (lieutenant commander): 1 Helmsmen (lieutenant): 6 Yeomen (ensign): 4 Chief navigator (lieutenant commander): 1 Navigation officers (lieutenant): 3 Navigators (ensign): 6 Ordnance officers (lieutenant): 3 Ordnance specialists (ensign): 30 Sciences Science officer (lieutenant commander): 1 Assistant science officer (lieutenant): 1 Scientists (ensign): 4 Laboratory technicians (ensign): 72 Yeomen (ensign): 2 Chief surgeon (lieutenant commander): 1 Doctors (lieutenant commander): 3 Head nurse (lieutenant): 1 Nurses (ensign): 21 Medical technicians (ensign): 30 Engineering and Support Services Chief engineer (lieutenant commander): 1 Assistant chief engineer (lieutenant commander): 1 Engineering officers (lieutenant): 4 Engineering specialists (ensign): 93 Transporter specialists (ensign): 33 Yeomen (ensign): 2 Chief of communications (lieutenant commander): 1 Communications officers (lieutenant): 5 Communications specialists (ensign): 9 Chief of security (lieutenant commander): 1 Security officers (lieutenant): 5 Security specialists (ensign): 84 In every case minimum grades are shown for each billet and may vary by reason ofindividual modification. But is this true? We know there are non-commissioned personnel aboard. I think it's far more likely that most positions filled by ensigns are actually petty officers. Most personnel quickly tagged as being Engineering Officers should also be more correctly known as Engineering Specialists. The same goes for Security Officers/Specialists. But it is all a matter of rank apparently. But, of course, this is the ship's complement during her service in the "Achernar" configuration. Prior to this anything is possible... --- Officers: 43 Crew: 387 Total: 430 With permanent staterooms that could accommodate 500 persons, permitting it to normally carry 70 supercargo in addition to the standard ship's complement. The ship's complement during her initial commissioning (original "Constitution" class configuration) and during her early years of the 5-year mission (in the "Bonhomme Richard" configuration) are not known in detail. However, this much is on record... Original "Constitution" configuration: Officers: 23 Crew: 380 Total: 403 Note that in "The Cage" Captain Pike stated he was in command of a ship of 203 crew members. There's a great deal of speculation about this and some believe that, at the time of the episode, the ship's complement was temporarily reduced due to wartime personnel demands. "The Cage" was set during the period of the Four Years War. During this era her complement may have matched that of the "Constitution" class' predecessor, the "Archon" class, which carried 33 officers and 170 crew, totalling 203. "Bonhomme Richard" configuration: Officers: 40 Crew: 390 Total: 430 Aside for a drop of 3 officers and a gain of 3 crewmen, the ship's complement here would probably be identical to that of the well-documented "Achernar" arrangement. The 3 officers and crew are debatable. Possibly the positions of Executive Officer (covered by Mr. Spock throughout the entire 5-year mission) and Assistant Science Officer (not introduced until after the "Achernar" up- grade). Regardless of her complement, Admiral Kirk states in the ST-TMP novel- ization that "ninety-four of our crew met violent deaths" during the span of Kirk's 5-year mission. As an "Enterprise" class vessel, her complement was changed yet again, increasedby 70. Her exact complement is not known, however the 1701-A Deck Plans for the "Enterprise (II)" class vessel give the identical 72 Officers and 428 crew accounted for in technical references dating back to the original ST-TMP prints. Other sources, on the other hand, top the 1701-A complement by 10, giving her 75 officers and 435 crew. There are undoubtedly changes in the class vessels' complements especially if she is serving as Star Fleet's flagship, but at least non-commissioned grades are clearly indicated... Command Department Commanding officer (captain): 1 Executive officer (lieutenant commander): 1 Finance officer (lieutenant JG/ensign): 1 Records officer (lieutenant JG/ensign): 1 Personnel officer (lieutenant JG/ensign): 1 Legal officer (lieutenant JG/ensign): 1 Yeomen (petty officer): 8 Operations Department Operations officer (lieutenant commander): 1 Ordnance officer [phaser] (lieutenant): 1 Ordnance officer [torpedo] (lieutenant JG/ensign): 1 Ordnance chiefs (chief petty officer): 2 Ordnance specialists (enlisted man 1st class): 30 Navigation officer (lieutenant): 1 Navigators/command pilots (lieutenant JG/ensign): 5 Helm officer (lieutenant): 1 Helmsmen/command pilots (lieutenant JG/ensign): 7 Deck officers (lieutenant JG/ensign): 1 Deck petty officers (petty officer): 2 Deck technicians (enlisted man 1st class): 15 Shuttle officer (lieutenant JG/ensign): 1 Shuttle petty officers (petty officer): 2 Shuttle mechanics (enlisted man 1st class): 10 Sciences Department Science officer (lieutenant commander): 1 Sensors officer (lieutenant): 1 Sensors chiefs (chief petty officer): 5 Anthropologist (lieutenant): 1 Computer scientist (lieutenant): 1 Archeologist (lieutenant): 1 Biologist (lieutenant): 1 Botanist (lieutenant): 1 Chemist (lieutenant): 1 Astrogeologist (lieutenant): 1 Physicist (lieutenant): 1 Astrophysicist (lieutenant): 1 Biophysicist (lieutenant): 1 Chaos physicist (lietenant): 1 Historian (lieutenant): 1 Cartographer (lieutenant): 1 Lab researchers (petty officer): 10 Lab assistants (enlisted man 1st class): 60 Ship's Services Department Quartermaster (lieutenant commander): 1 Cargomaster chiefs (chief petty officer): 5 Commissary officer (lieutenant JG/ensign): 1 Maintenance officer (lieutenant JG/ensign): 1 Services specialists (enlisted man 1st class): 30 Security Department Security officer (lieutenant commander): 1 Combat tactics/1st platoon (lieutenant): 1 Combat tactics sergeants (chief petty officer): 2 Armory/2nd platoon (lieutenant): 1 Armory sergeants (chief petty officer): 2 Training/3rd platoon (lieutenant): 1 Training sergeants (chief petty officer): 2 Assault shuttle pilots (lieutenant JG/ensign): 4 Marines (enlisted man 1st class): 45 Engineering Department Chief engineer (lieutenant commander): 1 Propulsion officer (lieutenant): 1 Warp drive chiefs (chief petty officer): 2 Impulse drive chiefs (chief petty officer): 2 Power officer (lieutenant): 1 Power chiefs (chief petty officer): 2 Environmental officer (lieutenant): 1 Environmental chiefs (chief petty officer): 2 Damage control officer (lieutenant): 1 Damage control chiefs (chief petty officer): 2 Shipfitting officer (lieutenant): 1 Shipfitting petty officers (petty officer): 2 Transporter officer (lieutenant): 1 Transporter chiefs (chief petty officer): 12 Diagnostics officer (lieutenant): 1 Diagnostics petty officers (petty officer): 2 Engineering technicians (enlisted man 1st class): 140 Medical Department Chief surgeon (lieutenant commander): 1 Surgeons (lieutenant): 2 Psychiatric officer (lieutenant): 1 Dentist (lieutenant): 1 Pharmacist (lieutenant): 1 Pathologist (lieutenant): 1 Recreation officer (lieutenant): 1 Head nurse (lieutenant): 1 Duty nurses (chief petty officer): 2 Nurses (enlisted man 1st class): 9 Communications Department Communications officer (lieutenant commander): 1 Communications chiefs (chief petty officer): 2 Cryptography officer (lieutenant): 1 Computer officer (lieutenant): 1 Computer chiefs (chief petty officer): 2 Electronics officer (lieutenant): 1 Electronics chiefs (chief petty officer): 2 Electrical engineer (lieutenant): 1 Electrical chiefs (chief petty officer): 2 Communications specialists (enlisted man 1st class): 9 In every case minimum grades/ranks are shown for each billet and may vary by reason of individual modification. Officers: 72 Crew: 428 Total: 500 Copyright (c) 1994 'James Dixon' (like who else'd do something like this!)... OK, now just let me add that that 80 column wraparound problem's back here again, cutting sentences and wrapping them round at times to the next line... But it's still quite legible... This file covers all the novels and goodies except for comic books and is almost up to date (I think this particular file isn't updated to include the last TOS novel "Crossroads" I think, missing maybe 3 crew members)...