ID NAME 1 Cleric of Order 2 Cleric of Yondalla 3 Dwarf Axefighter 4 Ember, Human Monk 5 Evoker’s Apprentice 6 Halfling Veteran 7 Hound Archon 8 Human Commoner 9 Large Earth Elemental 10 Man-at-arms 11 Sun Soul Initiate 12 Sword of Heironeous 13 Tordek, Dwarf Fighter 14 Jozan, Cleric of Pelor 15 Arcane Archer 16 Axe Sister 17 Centaur 18 Cleric of Corellon Larethian 19 Crested Felldrake 20 Devis, Half-Elf Bard 21 Elf Archer 22 Elf Pyromancer 23 Elf Ranger 24 Gnome Recruit 25 Human Wanderer 26 Krusk, Half-Orc Barbarian 27 Lidda, Halfing Rogue 28 Nebbin, Gnome Illusionist 29 Vadania, Half-Elf Druid 30 Wild Elf Barbarian 31 Wood Elf Skirmisher 32 Azer Raider 33 Half-Orc Monk 34 Dire Boar 35 Lizardfolk 36 Shambling Mound 37 Wolf 38 Thri-Kreen Ranger 39 Barghest 40 Bearded Devil 41 Displacer Beast 42 Goblin Sneak 43 Half-Orc Fighter 44 Hell Hound 45 Human Blackguard 46 Human Executioner 47 Human Thug 48 Kobold Warrior 49 Medusa 50 Mind Flayer 51 Mummy 52 Wight 53 Wraith 54 Owlbear 55 Skeleton 56 Troglodyte Zombie 57 Wolf Skeleton 58 Zombie 59 Cleric of Gruumsh 60 Drow Archer 61 Drow Cleric of Lolth 62 Drow Fighter 63 Ghoul 64 Gnoll 65 Half-Orc Assassin 66 Human Bandit 67 Hyena 68 Kou-Toa 69 Large Fire Elemental 70 Minotaur 71 Ogre 72 Orc Archer 73 Orc Berserker 74 Orc Spearfighter 75 Orc Warrior 76 Tiefling Captain 77 Troll 78 Umber Hulk 79 Werewolf 80 Worg 81 Cleric of Moradin 82 Dwarven Defender 83 Gnome Fighter 84 Gold Champion 85 Human Crossbowman 86 Lion Falcon Monk 87 Purple Dragon Knight 88 Stalwart Paladin 89 Stonechild 90 Dwarven Werebear 91 Dire Lion 92 Regdar, Human Fighter 93 Bladesinger 94 Brass Dragon 95 Copper Samurai 96 Daring Rogue 97 Drunken Master 98 Dwarf Barbarian 99 Elf Spearguard 100 Half Elf Sorcerer 101 Halfling Outrider 102 Kerwyn, Human Rogue 103 Medium Air Elemental 104 Silver Sorcerer 105 Barbarian Mercenary 106 Dire Ape 107 Druid of Obad-Hai 108 Baaz Draconian 109 Blue Wyrmling 110 Cleric of Nerull 111 Goblin Skirmisher 112 Goblin Warrior 113 Hobgoblin Warrior 114 Kapak Draconian 115 Kobold Skirmisher 116 Medium Water Elemental 117 Salamander 118 Thayan Knight 119 Urthok the Vicious 120 Wereat 121 Carrion Crawler 122 Grimlock 123 Abyssal Maw 124 Black Dragon 125 Bright Naga 126 Bugbear 127 Chitine 128 Dretch 129 Drow Warrior 130 Drow Wizard 131 Eye of Grumish 132 Gargoyle 133 Harpy 134 Large Monstrous Spider 135 Large Red Dragon 136 Ogre Ravager 137 Orc Druid 138 Red Samurai 139 Small White Dragon 140 Troglodyte 141 Cleric of Lathander 142 Dalelands Militia 143 Gold Dwarf Fighter 144 Human Dragonslayer 145 Large Silver Dragon 146 Medium Earth Elemental 147 Paladin of Torm 148 Soldier of Cormyr 149 Healer 150 Mialee, Elf Wizard 151 Catfolk 152 Champion of Eilistraee 153 Cleric of Kord 154 Drizzt, Drow Ranger 155 Evermeet Wizard 156 Graycloak Ranger 157 Halfling Ranger 158 Halfling Wizard 159 Ialdabode, Human Psion 160 Moon Elf Fighter 161 Ragnara, Psychic Warrior 162 Unicorn 163 Githzerai 164 Sage 165 Clay Golem 166 Half-Orc Barbarian 167 Wereboar 168 Aspect of Bane 169 Bone Devil 170 Dark Moon Monk 171 Dread Guard 172 Duergar Warrior 173 Erinyes 174 Gauth 175 Human Cleric of Bane 176 Nothic 177 Red Wizard 178 Snig the Axe 179 Xill 180 Zhentarim Fighter 181 Gravehound 182 Ochre Jelly 183 Warrior Skeleton 184 Abyssal Eviscerator 185 Aspect of Demogorgon 186 Aspect of Lolth 187 Aspect of Orcus 188 Cultist of the Dragon 189 Cursed Spirit 190 Drow Sergeant 191 Githyanki Fighter 192 Gnoll Archer 193 Hill Giant 194 Medium Fire Elemental 195 Orc Champion 196 Orc Raider 197 Vampire Aristocrat 198 Vrock 199 Young Minotaur 200 Yuan-Ti Pureblood 201 Bronze Wyrmling 202 Dwarven Sergeant 203 Standardbearer 204 Stone Golem 205 Sword of Glory 206 Warforged Fighter 207 Warmage 208 Young Master 209 Aramil, Adventurer 210 Eberk, Adventurer 211 Protectar 212 Regdar, Adventurer 213 Basilisk 214 Deepshadow Elf 215 Fire Genasi Dervish 216 Githyanki Renegade 217 Half-Giant Psychic Warrior 218 Inspiring Marshal 219 Lidda, Adventurer 220 Medium Astral Construct 221 War Chanter 222 Xeph Soulknife 223 City Guard 224 Crucian 225 Dire Wolf 226 Mordenkainen the Mage 227 Otyugh 228 Bladeling Fighter 229 Blue 230 Dire Rat 231 Fire Giant 232 Hobgoblin Sergeant 233 King Snurre 234 Lemure 235 Lizardfolk Rogue 236 Lord Soth 237 Manticore 238 Rakshasa 239 Scarlet Brotherhood Monk 240 Zombie 241 Blue Slaad 242 Bugbear Footpad 243 Displacer Serpent 244 Drider Sorcerer 245 Drow Fighter 246 Drow Rogue 247 Ettercap 248 Frost Giant 249 Ghast 250 Gnoll Sergeant 251 Grick 252 Lareth the Beautiful 253 Lich Necromancer 254 Minotaur 255 Minotaur Skeleton 256 Orc Brute 257 Quasit 258 Red Wyrmling 259 Tanarukk 260 Werewolf 261 Huge Gold Dragon 262 Cloud Giant 263 Storm Giant 264 Treant 265 Warforged Titan 266 Behir 267 Bulette 268 Fiendish Tyrannosaurus 269 Formorian 270 Glabrezu 271 Huge Red Dragon 272 Nightwalker 273 Alusair Obarskyr 274 Anvil of Thunder 275 Celestial Black Bear 276 Cleric of St. Cuthbert 277 Dragon Samurai 278 Exorcist of the Silver Flame 279 Hill Dwarf Warrior 280 Man-at-Arms 281 Rhek 282 Warforged Hero 283 Aasimar Favored Soul 284 Adventuring Wizard 285 Bariaur Ranger 286 Cleric of Garl Glittergold 287 Crow Shaman 288 Elf Warrior 289 Frenzied Berserker 290 Half-Elf Bow Initiate 291 Longtooth Barbarian 292 Sharn Cutthroat 293 Valenar Commander 294 Formian Warrior 295 Ethereal Filcher 296 Ryld Argith 297 Wyvern 298 Achaierai 299 Bladebearer Hobgoblin 300 Dekanter Goblin 301 Destrachan 302 Emerald Claw Soldier 303 Fiendish Dire Weasel 304 Green Dragon 305 Half-Elf Hexblade 306 Half-Illithid Lizardfolk 307 Hook Horror 308 Iron Cobra 309 Kobold Champion 310 Kobold Sorcerer 311 Mind Flayer Telepath 312 Mongrelfolk 313 Myconid Guard 314 Sahuagin Ranger 315 Silent Wolf Goblin 316 Skullsplitter 317 Flesh Golem 318 Carrion Tribe Barbarian 319 Choker 320 Chuul 321 Fiendish Giant Praying Mantis 322 Gibbering Mouther 323 Gnoll 324 Gnoll Skeleton 325 Ice Troll 326 Mad Slasher 327 Mountain Orc 328 Ogre Zombie 329 Orc Sergeant 330 Taer 331 Yuan-Ti Abomination 332 Yuan-Ti Halfblood 333 Champion of Yondalla 334 Couatl 335 Dwarf Artificer 336 Dwarf Caver 337 Dwarf Phalanx Soldier 338 Dwarf Samurai 339 Gold Dragon 340 Skullclan Hunter 341 Soldier of Thrane 342 Valorous Prince 343 Warforged Wizard 344 Whirling Steel Monk 345 Celestial Dire Badger 346 Catfolk Wilder 347 Centaur Hero 348 Dark Traveler 349 Dragonblade Ninja 350 Goliath Barbarian 351 Greenfang Druid 352 Griffon 353 Ibixian 354 Rask, Half-Orc Chainfighter 355 Renegade Warlock 356 Undying Soldier 357 Voice of Battle 358 Dire Bear 359 Timber Wolf 360 Giant Frog 361 Wood Woad 362 Ambush Drake 363 Aspect of Nerull 364 Beholder 365 Death Knight 366 Goblin Adept 367 Grell 368 Grim Necromancer 369 Kruthik Hatchling 370 Large Blue Dragon 371 Mummy Lord 372 Skeletal Dwarf 373 Skullcrusher Ogre 374 Spectre 375 Spellstiched Hobgoblin Zombie 376 Thaskor 377 Warpriest of Hextor 378 Bloodhulk Fighter 379 Boneclaw 380 Bullywug Thug 381 Burning Skeleton 382 Deathlock 383 Dolgrim 384 Ettin Skirmisher 385 Fiendish Monstrous Scorpion 386 Flind Captain 387 Forest Troll 388 Kenku Sneak 389 Orc Savage 390 Ravenous Vampire 391 Vampire Spawn 392 Zombie White Dragon 393 Caravan Guard 394 Cleric of Dol Arrah 395 Dwarf Raider 396 Dwarf Wizard 397 Justice Archon 398 Mounted Paladin 399 Spiker Champion 400 Stone Giant 401 Sword Archon 402 Trumpet Archon 403 Ulmo Lightbringer 404 Village Priest 405 Werebear 406 Archmage 407 Celestial Pegasus 408 Divine Crusader of Corellon 409 Djinni 410 Elf Swashbuckler 411 Ghaele Eladrin 412 Large Air Elemental 413 Large Copper Dragon 414 Longstrider Ranger 415 Phoelarch 416 Talenta Halfling 417 Thorn 418 Thri-Kreen Barbarian 419 Wand Expert 420 Weretiger 421 Wild Elf Raider 422 Xeph Warrior 423 Dwarf Mercenary 424 Blackscale Lizardfolk 425 Red Slaad 426 Scorpion Clan Drow Fighter 427 Barbed Devil 428 Chain Devil 429 Chraal 430 Direguard 431 Efreeti 432 Flamebrother Salamander 433 Ghostly Consort 434 Hobgoblin Impaler 435 Imp 436 Kobold Soldier 437 Mina, Dark Cleric 438 Ogre Mage 439 Orog Warlord 440 Steel Predator 441 Vargouille 442 Skeletal Archer 443 Abyssal Skulker 444 Bugbear Champion of Erythnul 445 Feral Minotaur 446 Fiendish Dire Wolverine 447 Hezrou 448 Magmin 449 Ophidian 450 Orc Wolf Shaman 451 Troll Slasher 452 Wrackspawn 453 Battle Plate Marshal 454 Dwarf Ancestor 455 Earth Shugenja 456 Githzerai Monk 457 Gold Dwarf Soldier 458 Half-Orc Paladin 459 Lantern Bearer 460 Loyal Earth Elemental 461 Marut 462 Medium Silver Dragon 463 Royal Guard 464 Slayer of Domiel 465 Aspect of Kord 466 Dromite Wilder 467 Elf Stalker 468 Elminster of Shadowdale 469 Guenhwyvar 470 Half-Ogre Barbarian 471 Halfling Sneak 472 Nentyar Hunter 473 Rikka, Angelic Avenger 474 Satyr 475 Spirit Folk Fighter 476 Wizard Tactician 477 Iron Golem 478 Justicator 479 Mercenary Sergeant 480 Xorn 481 Monitor Lizard 482 Ankheg 483 Xen'drik Champion 484 Artemis Entreri 485 Dark Naga 486 Dolgaunt Monk 487 Duergar Champion 488 Half-Orc Executioner 489 Helmed Horror 490 Kobold Miner 491 Skeletal Equiceph 492 Troglodyte Captain 493 Balor 494 Dark Creeper 495 Death Slaad 496 Dire Bat 497 Draegloth 498 Drow Arachnomancer 499 Drow Arcane Guard 500 Gray Render 501 Grimlock Barbarian 502 Half-Fiend Ogre 503 Hunched Giant 504 Large Deep Dragon 505 Lolth's Sting 506 Mounted Drow Patrol 507 Orc Skeleton 508 Roper 509 Spider of Lolth 510 Swarm of Spiders 511 Troglodyte Barbarian 512 Winter Wolf 513 Arcane Ballista 514 Arcanix Guard 515 Aspect of Moradin 516 Axe Soldier 517 Combat Medic 518 Elemental Wall 519 Large Bronze Dragon 520 Sacred Watcher 521 Sand Giant 522 Shieldwall Soldier 523 Warforged Bodyguard 524 Warforged Captain 525 Warforged Scout 526 Warpriest of Moradin 527 Brass Samurai 528 Dragon Totem Hero 529 Dragonne 530 Halfling Slinger 531 Hunting Cougar 532 Lion of Talisid 533 Mephling Pyromancer 534 Steelheart Archer 535 Warbound Impaler 536 Warforged Barbarian 537 Wemic Barbarian 538 Wood Elf Ranger 539 Gulgar 540 Aspect of Hextor 541 Flameskull 542 Goblin Blackblade 543 Goblin Underboss 544 Hobgoblin Archer 545 Inspired Lieutenant 546 Karrnathi Zombie 547 Khumat 548 Large Duergar 549 Night Hag 550 Shuluth, Archvillain 551 Skeletal Legionarre 552 Snig, Worg Rider 553 Terror Wight 554 War Troll 555 Zakya Rakshasa 556 Blood Ghost Berserker 557 Chimera 558 Derro 559 Fiendish Girallon 560 Frost Dwarf 561 Hill Giant Barbarian 562 Hill Giant Chieftain 563 Horde Zombie 564 Howling Orc 565 King Obould Many-Arrows 566 Ogre War Hulk 567 Orc Mauler 568 Orc Wardrummer 569 Quaggoth Slave 570 Tiefling Blademaster 571 Troglodyte Thug 572 War Duke 573 Aasimar Fighter 574 Aspect of Bahamut 575 Cleric of Syreth 576 Dragonborn Fighter 577 Golden Protector 578 Meepo, Dragon Lord 579 Slaughterstone Eviscerator 580 Tordek, Dwarf Champion 581 War Weaver 582 Bonded Fire Summoner 583 Clawfoot Rider 584 Goliath Cleric of Kavaki 585 Griffon Cavalry 586 Small Copper Dragon 587 Spellscale Sorcerer 588 Storm Archer 589 Tavern Brawler 590 Warden of the Wood 591 Azer Fighter 592 Huge Fire Elemental 593 Purple Worm 594 War Ape 595 Wizened Elder Watcher 596 Aspect of Tiamat 597 Blackguard on Nightmare 598 Bluespawn Godslayer 599 Cadaver Collector 600 Diseased Dire Rat 601 Displacer Beast Pack Lord 602 Doom Fist Monk 603 Dracolich 604 Dragonwrought Kobold 605 Dread Warrior 606 Eldritch Giant 607 Greenspawn Razorfiend 608 Hobgoblin Talon of Tiamat 609 Kobold Zombie 610 Large Green Dragon 611 Wererat Rogue 612 Poison Dusk Lizardfolk 613 Witchknife 614 Blackspawn Exterminator 615 Cleric of Laogzed 616 Cloudreaver 617 Demonic Gnoll Archer 618 Huge Fiendish Spider 619 Hunting Hyena 620 Large Fang Dragon 621 Magma Hurler 622 Mountain Troll 623 Ogre Skirmisher 624 Redspawn Firebelcher 625 Small Black Dragon 626 Small Fire Elemental 627 Sorcerer on Black Dragon 628 Stirge 629 Tundra Scout 630 Twig Blight 631 Whitespawn Hordeling 632 Yuan-Ti Halfblood Sorcerer 633 Arcadian Hippogriff 634 Celestial Giant Stag Beetle 635 Dwarf Sniper 636 Elf Dragonkith 637 Elf Warmage 638 Half-Orc Spy 639 Hammerer 640 Harmonium Guard 641 Kolyarut 642 Solar 643 Soldier of Bytopia 644 Thundertusk Cavalry 645 Air Genasi Swashbuckler 646 Bralani Eladrin 647 Centaur War Hulk 648 Free League Ranger 649 Gnome Trickster 650 Hero of Valhalla 651 Lillend 652 Medium Copper Dragon 653 Phoera 654 Shadowdancer 655 Storm Silverhand 656 Valenar Nomad Charger 657 Dragonmark Heir of Deneith 658 Maug 659 Living Flaming Sphere 660 Acheron Goblin 661 Blood of Vol Cultist 662 Bluespawn Stormlizard 663 Fire Giant Forgepriest 664 Greenspawn Sneak 665 Hellcat 666 Horned Devil 667 Ice Devil 668 Karsite Fighter 669 Kobold Monk 670 Large Water Elemental 671 Lord of Blades 672 Mercykiller 673 Mezzoloth 674 Pit Fiend 675 Red Hand War Sorcerer 676 Soulknife Infiltrator 677 Chasme 678 Demonic Gnoll Priestess 679 Doomguard 680 Earth Element Gargoyle 681 Ethereal Maruader 682 Fiendish Snake 683 Githyanki Dragon Knight 684 Gnoll Barbarian 685 Green Slaad 686 Howler 687 Marilith 688 Orc Wizard 689 Owlbear Rager 690 Skeletal Reaper 691 Succubus 692 Vlaakith the Lich Queen 693 Blessed Hunter 694 Celestial Giant Owl 695 Cormyrean War Wizard 696 Devotee of the Silver Flame 697 Knight of the Chalice 698 Pentifex Monolith 699 Phalanx Soldier 700 Shield Guardian 701 Stone Giant Runecarver 702 Van Richten 703 Vampire Hunter 704 Air Mephit 705 Asura 706 Changeling Rogue 707 Cleric of Sune 708 Dwarf Battlerager 709 Halfling Brawler 710 Large Astral Construct 711 Large Brass Dragon 712 Lyrandar Skyfire Captain 713 Marid 714 Pseudodragon 715 Rat Swarm 716 Stormrage Shambler 717 Virtuous Charger 718 Wild Elf Warsinger 719 Wizard of Turmish 720 High Inquisitor 721 Large Ice Elemental 722 Bat Familiar 723 Beholder Lich 724 Blood Golem of Hextor 725 Blood of Vol Divinity Seeker 726 Bone Naga 727 Count Strahd Von Zarovich, Vampire 728 Devourer 729 Displacer Beast Manhunter 730 Duergar Slaver 731 Gorgon 732 Graypeak Goblin Archer 733 Inspired Shock Trooper 734 Nessian Warhound 735 Ogre Executioner 736 Strahd Zombie 737 Torturer 738 Tsucora Quori 739 Ultraloth 740 Bugbear Gang Leader 741 Caller in Darkness 742 Canoloth 743 Dark Talon Champion 744 Fire Mephit 745 Gravetouched Ghoul 746 Intellect Devourer 747 Large Black Dragon 748 Redspawn Arcaniss 749 Thrall of Blackrazor 750 Tiefling Warlock 751 Vampire Dire Wolf 752 Werewolf Lord 753 Arcadian Avenger 754 Brass Golem 755 Champion of Dol Dorn 756 Deep Legionnaire 757 Delver Sergeant 758 Earth Mephit 759 Guard of Mithral Hall 760 Guardian Naga 761 Kalashtar Bodyguard 762 Large Gold Dragon 763 Shadowbane Inquisitor 764 Valiant Cavalry 765 Greyhawk City Militia Sergeant 766 Raistlin Majere 767 Darkmantle 768 Digester 769 Dire Tiger 770 Giant Eagle 771 Greater Basilisk 772 Halfling Tombseeker 773 Hierophant of the Seventh Wind 774 Verdant Reaver 775 Warpriest of Vandria 776 Wild Mage 777 Wulfgar 778 Aspect of Loviatar 779 Assassin 780 Bluespawn Ambusher 781 Dread Wraith 782 Exarch of Tyranny 783 Greater Barghest 784 Greenspawn Zealot 785 Hobgoblin Marshal 786 Ice Mephit 787 Kobold Trapmaker 788 Lady Vol 789 Medusa Archer 790 Mind Flayer Lich 791 Noble Salamander 792 Prisoner 793 Skeletal Courser 794 Trained Carrion Crawler 795 Krenshar 796 Lifeleech Otyugh 797 Babau 798 Berserk Flesh Golem 799 Carnage Demon 800 Cerebrilith 801 Clawborn Scorrow 802 Dracotaur Rager 803 Drow Enforcer 804 Frost Giant Jarl 805 Gnoll Claw Fighter 806 Kuo-Toa Hunter 807 Kuo-Toa Whip 808 Large Chaos Beast 809 Large Shadow Dragon 810 Large White Dragon 811 Orc Banebreak Rider 812 Shadow 813 Angel of Vengeance 814 Animated Statue 815 Dwarf Brawler 816 Dwarf Maulfighter 817 Human Cleric of Bahamut 818 Macetail Behemoth 819 Militia Archer 820 Sphinx 821 Thundertusk Boar 822 Bruenor Battlehammer 823 Farmer 824 Merchant Guard 825 Warhorse 826 Black Woods Dryad 827 Cliffwalk Archer 828 Elf Conjurer 829 Eternal Blade 830 Halfling Enchanter 831 Halfling Rogue 832 Gelatinous Cube 833 Mercenary General 834 Visejaw Crocodile 835 Capricious Copper Dragon 836 Tiefling Cleric 837 Tiefling Rogue 838 Astral Stalker 839 Blood of Vol Fanatic 840 Guardian Mummy 841 Manticore Sniper 842 Nightmare 843 Osyluth 844 Rot Scarab Swarm 845 Sahuagin 846 Sahuagin Baron 847 Shadar-Kai Assassin 848 Shadow Mastiff 849 Spined Devil 850 Blade Spider 851 Boneshard Skeleton 852 Cyclops 853 Demonweb Swarm 854 Flame Snake 855 Naga 856 Bar-Lgura 857 Drider 858 Drow Blademaster 859 Drow Spider Priestess 860 Ettercap Webspinner 861 Feral Troll 862 Fire Archon 863 Large Fire Elemental 864 Ogre Brute 865 Rage Drake 866 Ravenous Ghoul 867 Shrieking Harpy 868 Snaketongue Cultist 869 Umber Hulk Delver 870 Werewolf Champion 871 Yuan-ti Champion of Zehir 872 Yuan-ti Malison 873 Dwarf Warlord 874 Angel of Valor 875 Cleric of Pelor 876 Halfling Paladin 877 Young Silver Dragon 878 Elf Archer 879 Death Knight 880 Orc Raider 881 Young Red Dragon 882 Gargoyle 883 Oni 884 Chillborn 885 Drow Spiderguard 886 Eye of Flame 887 Immolith 888 Shadow Demon 889 Warrior Wight 890 Howling Hag 891 Magma Brute 892 Vrock 893 Ascendant Hellsword 894 Rakshasa Baron 895 Vampire Spawn 896 Champion of Baphomet 897 Balhannoth 898 Mind Flayer Scourge 899 Troglodyte Bonecrusher 900 Vampire Vizier 901 Ice Archon 902 Lamia 903 Gnoll Marauder 904 Bugbear Headreaver 905 Dwarf Shieldmaiden 906 Goblin Picador 907 Human Fighter 908 Iron Defender 909 Dire Wolf 910 Ettin Jack-of-Irons 911 Everfrost Ranger 912 Griffon 913 Kobold Archer 914 Wyvern 915 Defiant Rake 916 Emerald Orb Wizard 917 Grick 918 Spectral Magelord 919 Tiefling Warlock 920 Warforged Infiltrator 921 Runecarved Eidolon 922 Drow Wand Mage 923 Shade Knight 924 Skeletal Tomb Guardian 925 Bulette 926 Deathjump Spider 927 Fen Hydra 928 Giant Centipede 929 Hook Horror 930 Shadowhunter Bat 931 Spectral Panther 932 Bralani 933 Dwarf Battlemaster 934 Yuan-Ti Swiftscale 935 Human Sellsword 936 Elf Warlock 937 Young Green Dragon 938 Shocktroop Devil 939 Voracious Ice Devil 940 Deathpriest of Orcus 941 Degenerate Cultist of Orcus 942 Gnaw Demon 943 Efreeti Flamestrider 944 Visceral Devourer 945 Doresain, the Ghoul King 946 Thunderblast Cyclone 947 Yuan-Ti Anathema 948 Elder Red Dragon 949 Fire Titan 950 Armored Guulvorg 951 Bugbear Lancebreaker 952 Dragonborn Defender 953 Dragonborn Myrmidon 954 Dwarf Warsword 955 Feybound Halfling 956 Fire Giant Raider 957 Fist of Moradin 958 Goblin Runner 959 Hobgoblin Guard 960 Mighty Blademaster 961 Skullcleave Warrior 962 Tiefling Gladiator 963 Fire Bat 964 Orc Zombie 965 Plaguechanged Ghoul 966 Shadow Hulk 967 Xorn Ravager 968 Cave Bear 969 Cockatrice 970 Earth Titan 971 Flamescorched Kobold 972 Furious Owlbear 973 Galeb Duhr 974 Lizardfolk Raider 975 Shifter Claw Adept 976 Storm Giant Thunderer 977 Angel of Retribution 978 Captain of the Watch 979 Chain Golem 980 Cloaktrick Rogue 981 Half-Elf Assassin 982 Eladrin Pyromancer 983 Golden Wyvern Initiate 984 Tomebound Arcanist 985 Blazing Skeleton 986 Boneclaw Impaler 987 Death Titan 988 Lurking Wraith 989 Young Adamantine Dragon 990 Blackroot Treant 991 Enormous Carrion Crawler 992 Hellwasp 993 Ochre Jelly 994 Ravenous Dire Rat 995 Roper 996 Elder White Dragon 997 Elf Arcane Archer 998 Dragonborn Paladin of Bahamut 999 Kuyutha, Exarch of Bahamut 1000 Halfling Archer 1001 Mezzodemon 1002 Grinning Imp 1003 Infernal Armor 1004 Rakshasa Assassin 1005 Tiefling Cleric of Asmodeus 1006 Vicious Bearded Devil 1007 Deathgrasp Sarcophagus 1008 Drow Adventurer 1009 Drow Demonbinder 1010 Lolthbound Goblin 1011 Runespiral Demon 1012 Shardsoul Slayer 1013 Solamith 1014 Soulrider Devil 1015 Deathlock Wight 1016 Draegloth Favored One 1017 Drow Assassin 1018 Shadow Flayer 1019 Spiderbound Drow Warrior 1020 Thoon Hulk 1021 Black Dragon Lurker 1022 Concord Illithid 1023 Phaseweb Spider 1024 Skull Lord 1025 Gnoll Demon Adept 1026 Yuan-Ti Malison Incanter 1027 Ogre Pulverizer 1028 Stormrage Blue Dragon 1029 Bugbear Strangler 1030 Bugbear Warrior 1031 Human Bandit 1032 Spiretop Drake 1033 Scythejaw 1034 Autumn Wind Ranger 1035 Blood Slaad 1036 Brutal Ogre Warhulk 1037 Curse Slaad 1038 Cyclops Hewer 1039 Ettin Spirit-Talker 1040 Minotaur Warrior 1041 Sharn Redcloak 1042 Warforged Battle Champion 1043 Corruption Corpse 1044 Hobgoblin Warcaster 1045 Guard Drake 1046 Quickling Runner 1047 Kruthik Hive Lord 1048 Troglodyte Brute 1049 Troglodyte Curse Chanter 1050 Crazed Kuo-Toa 1051 Deathcap 1052 Kruthik Adult 1053 Stirge Drone 1054 Web Golem 1055 Dire Bear Mauler 1056 Girallon 1057 Iron Dragon Prowler 1058 Human Vanguard 1059 Dragonborn Rogue 1060 Farris Nightbringer, Elf Ranger 1061 Dhaelen, Tiefling Bravura 1062 Dwarf Sneak 1063 Drow Infiltrator 1064 Eladrin Wand Wizard 1065 Tiefling Surestrike 1066 Aramil, Adventurer 1067 Warlock Knight of Vaasa 1068 Eladrin Sorcerer 1069 Bonded Fire Summoner 1070 Dwarf Paladin of Moradin 1071 Halfling Cleric of Melora 1072 Cleric of St. Cuthbert 1073 Lightning Wolf Barbarian 1074 Druid of the Deep Forest 1075 Goliath Stoneblade 1076 Aboleth Slime Mage 1077 Arbalester 1078 Aspect of Vecna 1079 Banshrae Warrior 1080 Beholder Eye Tyrant 1081 Berbalang 1082 Bladerager Troll 1083 Blood Scarab 1084 Bloodseeker Drake 1085 Bonechill Chimera 1086 Chain Devil 1087 Clay Golem 1088 Cyclops Crusher 1089 Feygrove Choker 1090 Foulspawn Grue 1091 Frost Giant 1092 Ghaele of Winter 1093 Githyanki Warrior 1094 Githzerai Zerth 1095 Gnoll Huntmaster 1096 Goblin Delver 1097 Goblin Sharpshooter 1098 Grimlock Minion 1099 Harpy 1100 Hellstinger Scorpion 1101 Hippogriff 1102 Kobold Wyrmpriest 1103 Kruthik Young 1104 Medusa Archer 1105 Minotaur Battle Shaman 1106 Orc Eye of Gruumsh 1107 Orc Terrorblade 1108 Rust Monster 1109 Skalmad, The Troll King 1110 Snake Swarm 1111 Unicorn 1112 War Devil 1113 Xen'drik Drow Stingblade 1114 Young Gold Dragon 1115 Yuan-Ti Fangblade 1116 Rashemi Witch 1117 Warforged Artificer 1118 Roving Swordmage 1119 Kalashtar Bodyguard 1120 Warforged Cleric 1121 Dragon Highlord 1122 Combat Medic 1123 Windsoul Genasi Paladin 1124 Windmaster Mage 1125 Dragonborn Fighter 1126 Qualinesti Defender 1127 Gnome Sneak 1128 Alusair Obarskyr 1129 Razorclaw Ranger 1130 Tiefling Spearfighter 1131 Frenzied Berserker 1132 Living Gate Guardian 1133 Talenta Nomad 1134 Adult Brown Dragon 1135 Air Archon Zephyrhaunt 1136 Aurak Draconian 1137 Unbound Balor 1138 Barghest Savager 1139 Beholder Ultimate Tyrant 1140 Bolraza, Priestess of Bane 1141 Chillfire Destroyer 1142 Chuul 1143 Djinn Stormsword 1144 Doomdreamer 1145 Duergar Cleric of Asmodeus 1146 Duergar Guard 1147 Earth Archon Rumbler 1148 Elder Green Dragon 1149 Elder Iron Dragon 1150 Foulspawn Hulk 1151 Foulspawn Mangler 1152 Foulspawn Seer 1153 Frost Titan 1154 Githzerai Cenobite 1155 Githzerai Mindmage 1156 Goblin Cutter 1157 Goristro 1158 Hezrou 1159 Hoard Scarab Larva Swarm 1160 Human Rabble 1161 Irontooth 1162 Minotaur Thug 1163 Psychic Sentinel 1164 Remorhaz 1165 Rimefire Griffon 1166 Salamander Firetail 1167 Scarecrow Stalker 1168 Sivak Draconian 1169 Slaad Spawn 1170 Storm Titan 1171 Talon Slaad 1172 War Troll 1173 Yochlol Tempter 1174 Adult Gray Dragon 1175 Adult Purple Dragon 1176 Angel of Valor Legionnaire 1177 Black Slaad 1178 Bloodspike Behemoth 1179 Bodak Skulk 1180 Bullywug Guard 1181 Bullywug Mud Lord 1182 Death Giant 1183 Deathrattle Viper 1184 Dragonborn Death Knight 1185 Drider Fanglord 1186 Foulspawn Berserker 1187 Githyanki Gish 1188 Githyanki Mindslicer 1189 Goblin Skullcleaver 1190 Goblin Wolfrider 1191 Gray Slaad 1192 Graz’zt 1193 Greenvise Vine 1194 Hobgoblin Hand of Bane 1195 Human Outrider 1196 Fallen Comrade 1197 Legion Devil Legionnaire 1198 Marilith 1199 Nightwalker Sinister 1200 Norker 1201 Rat Swarm 1202 Rockfire Dreadnought 1203 Salamander Archer 1204 Savage Minotaur 1205 Shardstorm Vortex 1206 Skeletal Cyclops 1207 Skeletal Tiefling 1208 Sorrowsworn Reaper 1209 Specter 1210 Tiefling Necromancer 1211 Vampire Guildmaster 1212 Windfiend Fury 1213 Zombie Hulk 1214 Arcane Portal 1215 Astral Giant 1216 Bebilith 1217 Blood Fiend 1218 Brain in a Jar 1219 Cloaker Ambusher 1220 Crownwing 1221 C’tallun, Astral Hunter 1222 Deva Fanatic 1223 Dispater, Iron Duke of Hell 1224 Draegloth Abomination 1225 Dragonborn Elementalist 1226 Dwarf Beguiler 1227 Efreet Fireblade 1228 Elder Blue Dragon 1229 Elder Copper Dragon 1230 Fettered Dracolich 1231 Feymire Crocodile 1232 Fomorian Painbringer 1233 Heroslayer Hydra 1234 Human Marauder 1235 Human Town Guard 1236 Iron Golem Juggernaut 1237 Kalliroth, Githyanki Pirate 1238 Kenku Warrior 1239 Kenku Wing Mage 1240 Kobold Slinger 1241 Manshoon 1242 Mephistopheles, Lord of Cania 1243 Mind Flayer Noble 1244 Minotaur Mangler 1245 Nalfeshnee Tyrant 1246 Neogi Great Old Master 1247 Neogi Slaver 1248 Oni Night Haunter 1249 Orc Strongbow 1250 Orc Warchief 1251 Rime Hound 1252 Roc 1253 Rot Grub Swarm 1254 Rot Harbinger 1255 Shadar-Kai Warrior 1256 Shadar-Kai Witch 1257 Shardmind Dominator 1258 Skeleton 1259 Spell Weaver 1260 Stone Giant 1261 Stormclaw Scorpion 1262 Swordwing 1263 Thri-Kreen Mantis Warrior 1264 Trapped Chest 1265 Trebuchet 1266 Trihorn Behemoth 1267 Water Archon Shoal Reaver 1268 Will-o’-Wisp 1269 Yeenoghu 1270 Young Volcanic Dragon 1271 Zhent Cavalry 1272 Zhent Champion 1273 Zhent Soldier 1274 Eye of Frost 1275 Eye Of Shadow 1276 Beholder Eye Tyrant 1277 Ghost Beholder 1278 Frostrager Barbarian 1279 Master of the Hunt 1280 Tuhli, Goliath Defender 1281 Warforged Juggernaut 1282 Arachnomancer 1283 Banshee 1284 Dutybound Paladin 1285 Eladrin Silver Pyromancer 1286 Fallen Warlord 1287 Frostrager Barbarian 1288 High Cleric of Sune 1289 Human Fighter Lord 1290 Master Shadowdancer 1291 Mire Hound 1292 Ragnara, Ethereal Hunter 1293 Rot Grub Swarm 1294 Shadar-Kai Stalker 1295 Stealthmage 1296 Warforged Juggernaut