Miscellaneous Notes: Because there is so much data to show, this application has been designed for a screen resolution of 1280x1024, but it should be able to degrade semi-gracefully (degrade grudgingly, perhaps?) to 1024 x 768. As figures are selected to be part of the warband, representations (containing the name, cost and image of the selected figure) of these figures show up on the upper central part of the screen (Selected Figures Area). You can change the order of these icons by dragging and dropping them, and the order they appear in the Selected Figures Area is the same order in which they will appear when you print the warband to a pdf file. Mousing over figures in the Selected Figures Area will show their card image, just as mousing over a figure in the Figure List Area does. The Warband Builder button at the left end of the toolbar causes the Warband Builder Module to display. Since the Warband Builder Module is the only one currently in the application, the button is redundant; it will have a purpose once I add the Booster Generator Module to the application. Then the Booster Generator Module will have its own button at the left of the toolbar, and the buttons will allow you to switch between modules. The Delete button on the toolbar will delete the currently showing warband, without any prompt. There is no way in the UI to delete multiple warbands with on action. If you wish to delete multiple warbands, you can do so by deleting their files in the /warbands directory under the application main directory. As you select figures for your warband, you continually decrease the number of points left to spend to fill the warband. As the available points to spend decrease, figures get filtered out of the Figure List because they are too expensive to fit into the warband. As this Figure List dynamically changes, you may noticed the figure you just selected "jump around" in the new list. What is happening is that the list tries to keep you centered on the same relative list index you were on when you selected the last figure. For example, suppose there are 100 figures in the list, and the figure you add to the warband is the 20th in the list. Further suppose that adding that figure reduces the number of eligible figures to 50. When it loads the new set of 50 available figures into the list, the list will still try to keep the view centered on the 20th item of the new list, even though it is quite likely that the figure you just added is NOT still in the 20th position. This behavior is a little annoying, and I'm looking into ways of overcoming it. Filter Notes: Chaining: Unless otherwise specified, all filters are logically chained "AND"s. That is, only figures that meet each and every criteria will pass through the filter and end up in the Figure List Area. Clearing Filters: For dropdown filter criteria, selecting a value of "None" will clear that filter; "None" is equivalent to not filtering by that criteria at all. For textbox filter criteria, double clicking the textbox will clear that filter. Faction: Only figures that include the selected faction symbol (as well as figures included by virtue of a champion's warband building) on their card will show in the Figure List Area. Warband Alignment: With the setting of "None", you may add any set of figures to your warband, without regard for alignment. When the setting is Good you may add only Neutral or Good figures to your warband (they will be the only ones showing up in the Figure List). When the setting is Evil you may add only Neutral or Evil figures to your warband. With the default setting of "Neutral", adding Neutral figures will leave the Warband Alignment setting unchanged; however, adding a Good or Evil figure to your warband will result in the Warband Alignment filter changing its setting to Good or Evil as appropriate, and enforcing that setting from then on. Warband Cost: This represents the maximum total cost of all figures in your warband. Figures with a cost of greater than this filter value will not show up in the Figure List. If the "Enforce 75%" filter is checked, figures with a cost of greater than 75% of the Warband Cost value will be filtered out of the Figure List. Figure Count: The maximum number of figures your warband may contain. The application will prevent you from adding figures to your warband in excess of this number. However, the application is aware of Mob and Cohort abilities, and will not inappropriately count such figures against the Figure Count. Figure Alignment: The default setting of "None" allows figures of any alignment. Any other setting filters out all figures that do not exactly match that alignment. For example, selecting "Neutral" will result in the display of only Neutral figures, with no Good or Evil figures included in the Figure List. Contrast this behavior with that of the Warband Alignment filter. Card Version: Currently, each figure has only one statistical representation (one stat card). We expect in the future that some figures will have multiple stat cards, and that these different cards might be sanctionable in different OP formats. This filter allows you to select among multiple card versions. Currently, the only distinction is between Standard and Epic (yellow) card versions. Set: Only figures that were released in the specified set (e.g. "Bloodwar") will be included in the Figure List. Size: Only figures of the specified size (e.g. "Large") will be included in the Figure List. Attack Type: Only figures that have at least one attack of the specified type (e.g. "Close") will be included in the Figure List. Attack Target: Only figures that have at least one attack that targets the specified type of Defense (e.g. "DEF(Ref)") will be included in the Figure List. Attack Bonus: Only figures that have at least one attack whose bonus equals or exceeds the specified bonus value will be included in the Figure List. Damage: Only figures that have at least one attack that deals Damage equal to or exceeding the specified value will be included in the Figure List. Note that an attack that does 10 + 10 counts as 20 Damage for purpose of this filter, while an attack that 10 + 10 ongoing counts as only 10 Damage for purpose of this filter Note for above four Attack related filters (Attack Type, Attack Target, Attack Bonus, Damage): These four filters operate independently of one another; they do not all apply to just one attack. To make this clearer: if you select Attack Type = "Ranged" and Attack Target = "DEF(Ref)", you will NOT selecting only figures that have one attack that meets BOTH criteria, you are selecting only figures that have at least one attack that meets the first criteria, and at least one attack (they need not be the same attack!) that meets the second criteria. Keyword 1, Keyword 2: Only figures that have the specified keyword (e.g. "Human") will be included in the Figure List. [Keyword] Operator: this only has meaning when values are specified for both Keyword 1 and Keyword 2. A setting of "And" means that in order to pass through the filter a figure needs to have in its keyword list both the value specified in the Keyword 1 filter and the value specified in the Keyword 2 filter. A value for [Keyword] Operator of "Or" means that figure need merely in its keyword list have one or the other of the values specified in the keyword 1 and Keyword 2 filters. Search Tag filters: See separate section Ability: Only figures that have the specified Ability (e.g. "Hide") will be included in the Figure List. Special Power: Only figures of the specified Special Power (e.g. "Sneak Attack 5") will be included in the Figure List. Figure Name: Only figures possessing the specified sequence of characters at any position in their name will be included in the Figure List. This is not a starts-with style search; the characters can be in the middle of the Name. Free Text: Type in a sequence of characters for which you want to search, and click the "Go" button. Only figures that contain the specified sequence of characters anywhere in the card text will be included in the Figure List. This is not a starts-with style search; the characters can be in the middle of the attack text, ability text, champion power text, etc. Is Champion: If checked, only figures are Champions will be included in the Figure List. Include Huges: If checked, Huge figures will be included in the Figure List. In the default, unchecked state, Huge figures are not included in the Figure List Enforce 75%: If checked, figures will only show up in the Figure List if their cost is <= 75% of the total allowed warband cost. Format: Only figures legal in the specified OP format will be included in the Figure List. This was written with WotC OP formats in mind. I will revist this filter when I am clearer on Guild OP formats. Sort By, Direction, Then By, Direction: Sorts Figure List by one or two columns in the expected way. One caveat is that for sorts on non-numeric and non textual fields, the sort is done using an internal representation, and is not alphabetical. For example, the Rarity field is represented in the application by the values 1 = Rare, 2 = Uncommon and 3 = Common. Sorting by Rarity ascending will then lead to Rares sorting first, followed by Uncommons, followed by Commons. Once you are aware of this, the sorts end up being just as useful this way as if they were done alphabetically. Search Tag Notes: Search Tags are used to allow searches on "concepts" (such as "Impose Movement") that are not amenable to searching either by the numbers or text on the stat cards. For example, the "Impose Movement" search tag will find all figures that move the enemy using push, pull, slide, teleport, etc. Some search tags (like "Damage Type") have parameters (like "radiant") that you can specify to further narrow down your filter criteria. Creating these search tags is a manual process and relies on judgment. I have provided a default set of search tags in the DefaultSearchTags.tag file in the /data subdirectory. Because of the reliance on judgment, it is possible that I missed tagging a figure - let me know of corrections I need to make. Also, you'll notice I used the word "default". Yes, this means that you too can create your own tag files (in addition to mine)! Just create a file with the ".tag" extension in the "data" subdirectory, and then create tag entries that match the format in my DefaultSearchTags.tag (technically, they file you create must adhere to the XML Schema FigureSearchTags.xsd). Note that you cannot have an entry for a figure with no tags; any figure entry in your file must contain at least one tag. Ideally, people will share their tag libraries, so we can all reap the benefit of full tagging. Select Map Notes: When you are in this view, the typical flow is as follows. Use the expandable group boxes on the left hand side to pick the category of maps at which you want to look. Mouse over the map names in the group boxes to see a big image of them. Click a map name in the group boxes to "set" a small image of the map in the small image box. This image will remain so you can keep mousing over image in the group boxes to compare other maps with the one you have "set" by clicking. Click the "Clear" button to "unset" any map you previously set. When you finally want to associate this map with your warband, click the "Select" button to return to your warband building, with the map now associated. Click the "Cancel" button if you want to return to warband building without associating a map.